Carefree could see a complete overhaul of town council

CAREFREE – As Carefree holds its first direct election of mayor, Councilman Doug Stavoe has decided to challenge Mayor David Schwan, who is also running to keep his previously appointed post.
Vice Mayor Glenn Miller is the only member of the current council seeking to retain his seat. He is joined by six other candidates: Michael Farrar, Arthur Gimson, Jim Peirce, Melissa Price, Marty Saltzman and Karen Smith-Lovejoy.
Michael Ferrar recently ran for Arizona House of Representatives as a Republican in a crowded field of candidates, which yielded David Smith and Heather Carter as the victors.
Jim Peirce has been actively involved in town matters and attends council meetings on a regular basis.
Arthur Gimson has also attended numerous council meetings, mostly to preach civility to the town’s somewhat dysfunctional council.
However, while collecting nomination petition signatures in front of the Carefree Post Office, Gimson appeared unable to practice what he preaches, as he introduced me to a total stranger as “the reporter from Sonoran Screws.”
Sonoran News is planning a candidate forum for sometime in January so voters will have an opportunity to get to know all the candidates.