OCTOBER 27, 2010
Your View
I noticed that MCSO traffic tickets are down big time. This has to be another financial problem for Carefree. What ever happened to Mayor Schwan's bragging about combining the Cave Creek and Carefree courts to save money? Did he forget, or was it his usual BS? Ed note: There was nothing in it for Cave Creek.
What’s up with the green paint in Cave Creek? It must have been in the OOPS bin at the building supply stores.
I visited el Pedregal recently and counted 17 businesses with few customers. Is that shopping area going the way of the Carefree town center?
Although M.E. Goodwin (letter to the editor Oct. 20 issue) is a bit extreme in some respects, he raises excellent points that if we weren’t in PC mode we’d be discussing openly. However, this point is one with which I wholeheartedly agree: “If there were 12 million Illegal Criminal Alien Invaders in our nation during the marches of 2006 … and thousands of Illegal Invaders are violating our border each day … how can there still only be 12 million Illegal Criminal Alien Invaders in our nation today? We do not appreciate our intelligence being insulted this way.”
I read in last week’s Sonoran News that the purchase of Carefree Water Company used seven percent non-callable bonds. Is that true? It doesn’t matter when it was done the rate is outrageous and whoever did it should be ridiculed and never hold office. Ed note: None other than ex-mayor Huber Stevens was the genius who gave Carefree that unusual debt.
If we are to believe the excerpts from the DC Security Conference on last week’s letters to the editor web page they are simply frightening. Traveling by air is insulting and a huge hassle and despite the inconvenience and demeaning treatment we are unsafe as a nation.
David Schwan finished last in the 2009 Carefree primary election and 311 votes behind Peter Koteas in the May general election, yet his pals named him mayor. No wonder the GOB crowd wants to turn back the clock with their initiative about direct election of the mayor in the November election!
Jim Ward’s letter last week spoke volumes about why the nation is in the economic situation we face. Not one thing the administration has done follows generally accepted economic principles. This is surprising from a socialist in what way?
I have heard that Mayor Schwan wants to knock down the newly-acquired town center building being used as the Carefree Town Hall administrative offices. He would like to replace it with a new office tower but that would require a bond issue to finance it and thus need a town property tax. It looks as if the two initiatives to safeguard residents against a property tax have arrived in the nick of time! How soon can I vote?
The habits of the desert animals are changing because of the change in temperatures and the recent rains. They are moving about in different areas and at different times of day than they were previously. Please watch out for them as you drive. Remind your teens as they are by nature too self-involved to be aware.
In April 2010 former Carefree Vice Mayor Wayne Fischer, Chairman, and former Vice Mayor Donald Snyder, Treasurer, misnaming their organization “Committee for Direct Election of Mayor,” applied for an Initiative serial number to begin the process of unraveling direct election of the mayor. Their group strongly opposed this but Councilman Coady's Prop. 404 passed anyway by an overwhelming 73.3% in the May 2009 election. Now they have mailed a grossly misleading letter urging residents to vote for their Initiative. In fact their GOB mob group opposes direct election of the mayor. I hope voters are not duped by their propaganda. Vote "NO!" on Prop. 407 on Nov. 2.
The Cave Creek Town Code provides that "No bathhouse, massage parlor, or therapy center shall provide to any person anytime any service which is contrary to commonly accepted standards of morality." I looked in vain for a definition of "commonly accepted standards of morality." I bet that ordinance is unconstitutionally vague.
Carefree council just gave $12,000 to its pals at Carefree Business Association to market the town. Based on the 3 percent retail tax rate it would take $400,000 in added sales just to break even. Fat chance of that happening! The giveaway is just another dopey political move by the GOB mob clique to make it appear they are doing something about the town center disaster they created.
The town of Cave Creek is about to be overrun – finally – by visitors. There are many activities scheduled over the next few weeks that will hopefully translate into serious business profits. If we want these visitors to have a positive experience and bring their family, friends and winter visitors back again and again, we need to let them safely cross the streets and hear a friendly hello from a smiling face when we see them around town. Howdy and welcome work just fine. Although they can be a bit frustrating when driving through town, they are what will keep us going for quite some time.
In February, 2009 Obama declared, "You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas." Las Vegas unemployment just hit a record 15 percent. Clearly his plan is working.