OCTOBER 20, 2010
• A ghost arises in Carefree
• Carefree’s secret meeting
• Black Mountain Plaza approved

The note below was sent to a Carefree woman who organized a business rally for all who say nice things about the Carefree administration. Obviously Sonoran News was left out of the advertising bonanza because we have a fatal flaw; we write the truth. Never mind we have a magnetic advertising draw not shared by competition.
Is it any surprise to hear from Petty Fast Eddie Morgan? After all he is the current dean of past mayors like Wayne Fulcher who appeared at a secret meeting where everyone’s memory of why they were there was lost. Wayne was there with three members of council and two others who were walk aways in the last election when voters forced the three into a run off. Noblemen don’t do run offs. How embarrassing!
At the last council meeting Councilman Bob Coady mentioned Morgan was once investigated by the attorney general’s office and charges were miraculously dropped after he introduced Attorney General Terry Goddard at Kiwanis. How convenient! Friends help friends don’t they?
The charges were about polling and after interviewing Morgan there was no doubt he polled.
You might want to remember Goddard’s actions in the voting booth less than two weeks from now. He is a crook.
Anyway, maybe the recipient should frame Morgan’s endorsement shown below:
Great move Holly and all involved. This is needed and should get the endorsement of all who truly care about Carefree.
Ed Morgan.
Exactly who cares about what Morgan thinks?
Coady didn’t bring up Morgan’s new life after his reign as mayor. In a possible conflict of interest Morgan became a consultant for developer Ed Lewis who planned to devastate downtown Carefree. Morgan was a big cheerleader for the project while mayor.
I love it when the detritus of the town write for the Hitchon woman. They, like her, misuse terms such as, TRUTH, a word the meaning of which none have a clue.
“Peeper Don and Looney John
“In the September 29th edition of the Sonoran News readers were treated to what is strange even for this tabloid.
Don “The Peeper” Sorchych bragged about another of his voyeuristic achievements in supposedly getting a picture of past Carefree council members talking to current Carefree council members. Nasty stuff this! Right up the alley of “Peeper Don.
“John “Looney” Traynor became unhinged in the Guest Editorial trying to defend the Sonoran News with strange references to literature racks at the airport, and the Tower of Babel.
Traynor goes on to hammer away on his favorite topic, the financial mismanagement of the town. Of course he does not mention the fact that the town finished the year $300K+ ahead of budget. Any wonder Sorchych gives “Looney John” all the “ink” he wants?
“Dennis F.
I wonder if Dennis knows I have exposed an abuse of the open meeting statutes, in fact a violation. I don’t expect Dennis to know or care what his buddies do. And I certainly don’t expect a dim bulb like him to understand the educated writings of John Traynor.
Here is the appropriate paragraph from ARS statutes:
7.5.2 Circumvention of the Open Meeting Law. Discussions and deliberations between less than a majority of the members of a governing body, or other devices, when used to circumvent the purposes of the Open Meeting Law violate that law. See Ariz. Att'y Gen. Op. 75-8; Town of Palm Beach v. Gradison, 296 So. 2d 473 (Fla. 1974). Public officials may not circumvent public discussion by splintering the quorum and having separate or serial discussions with a majority of the public body members. Splintering the quorum can be done by meeting in person, by telephone, electronically, or through other means to discuss a topic that is or may be presented to the public body for a decision. Public officials should refrain from any activities that may undermine public confidence in the public decision making process established in the Open Meeting Law, including actions that may appear to remove discussions and decisions from public view.
We will see how much memories of the six improve when they are questioned under oath. Right now neither Mayor David Schwan nor Vice Mayor Glenn Miller remember anything that happened in the water building while Stan Francom was absent.
The actions of this group on one hand remind me of the Taliban and on the other they are like the president.
Their Taliban behavior is their threats to local businesses about advertising with Sonoran News. One restaurant owner told me, after Morgan left town, that Morgan was one of the good old boys who made a threat he and his buddies wouldn’t eat there if he advertised with us.
The concerns of poor business in Carefree would largely be eliminated if they advertised in Sonoran News.
As far as the likeness with Obama, he too is silent about most of his background and in fact pays millions to keep his past hidden.
Obviously, if the secret meeting didn’t have significant meaning they would have already disclosed what happened there. But we will find out, so keep the faith.
Black Mountain Plaza approved
With Walmart ready to break ground, their neighbor Black Mountain Plaza received unanimous approval of their site plan at Cave Creek’s council meeting on Oct. 4.
The Black Mountain Plaza property is owned by the Bullington family and their eliminating the previously planned traffic light and the elimination of a seven year request to begin construction hastened council action to approve the development.
Both developments require infrastructure development and the town is on an aggressive schedule to provide water and sewage services to them.
Bullington’s Attorney Paul Gilbert tried to make it clear rumors that they were trying to hold Walmart up were untrue and they planned to be good neighbors. He did admit negotiations continue about a cross access agreement and they hoped for success, but there was nothing to hold up Walmart’s development.