Francia advises, ‘Never give up your rights to the state’
At the risk of being dollar stupid … from a financial perspective, I’m struggling immensely
CAVE CREEK – During Monday night’s meeting, Mayor Vincent Francia announced Wild West Days was just around the corner and offered congratulations to Councilman Adam Trenk, who recently passed the state bar. Keep Reading...
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Candidate packets now available
Cave Creek Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek announced last week that candidate packets to run for council and mayor are now available. A minimum of 63 and a maximum of 126 valid signatures are due no later than Dec. 8 for candidates to qualify for the March 8 ballot.
ACRI Chair obtains injunction following Twitter threat
‘No one should be threatened with violence in our nation because of their views’
PHOENIX – Shortly after Ward Connerly, founder and chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute (ACRI), participated in a debate against Rep. David Lujan, D-Dist. 15, on Prop. 107, known as the Arizona Civil Rights Amendment, hosted by the Goldwater Institute last Thursday, Steve Russell sent out a message from his Twitter account stating he “would not hesitate to punch [C]onnerly in the face if I saw him.” Keep reading ...
Clancy versus the ‘hand-picked’ board and union-endorsed candidates
‘This shows an appalling lack of judgment on his part and gives clear reason for voting for the candidate not supported by Mr. Schaefer’
CCUSD – Last Sunday Cave Creek Unified School District Board Clerk David Schaefer sent out an e-mail of “High” importance to a large number of constituents with a subject line in all caps urging recipients to “Please vote for Stephanie Reese and Kari Workman for Cave Creek Governing Board – Early ballots have arrived.” Keep Reading ...
In Arizona, illegal aliens, felons and
multi-state residents vote unabated
‘His office ensures that only legal state residents are able to register to vote’
PHOENIX – Although Arizona voters passed Proposition 200 in 2004, which, in part, was supposed to require proof of citizenship to register to vote and require voters to present ID at the polls, those who shouldn’t register or vote continue to do so unabated. Keep Reading ...
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Scottsdale expands preserve by 2,000 acres
The city of Scottsdale acquired 2,000 acres of land for the Scottsdale McDowell Sonoran Preserve at a state land auction on Friday, Oct. 15. The city was the only bidder.
Keep Reading...
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Study: Tax expiration would hit low-income workers hard
WASHINGTON – Low-income workers will pay substantially higher taxes if tax cuts expire on schedule at the end of 2010, according to a new study from the Tax Foundation. Keep Reading...
OCTOBER 20, 2010
Carefree’s “Going Green” free seminar
Carefree’s “Going Green” seminar series continues this fall with the 2nd FREE presentation on steps toward green living Saturday, Oct. 30 from 10 – 11 a.m. at the new Carefree Fire Station No. 1, 37401 N. Tom Darlington, Carefree (NE corner of Tom Darlington and Lucky Lane).
There is plenty of FREE parking on Lucky Lane, and room for up to 50 interested homeowners. Bring your utility bills (electric, gas, water) to find out how to $ave money on:
Solar Hot Water Heating,
Solar Pool Heating,
Solar PV Electric ,
APS’ Pool Program on Energy-Saving Timers & V.S. Pool Pumps and
Chemical & Water Saving “Natural” Pool Purification
The main speaker, Michael Chung, from Heliocol Solar, is a 30 year veteran of the Solar Industry. Heliocol is a local Solar Distributor, in the Valley of the Sun for over 20 years!
For more information he can be contacted at 602-432-5659 or www.MichaelChungSolar.comThis event is sponsored by the Town of Carefree Green Initiative Committee.