OCTOBER 13, 2010
Nov. 2 elections

The Nov. 2 election is the most important in our lifetime. With the Obama administration and the Democrat Senate and House we are rapidly falling into socialism that will destroy the hopes and dreams of those we hold dear.
At the national level please vote for a Republican even if they are less than adequate. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for socialism and worse.
Congressman Harry Mitchell is an example of following Pelosi’s program although it is an anathema to the majority of voters in his district.
At the federal level we get two votes, one for John Shadegg’s House seat and one for the Senate, which McCain is hoping to keep.
Ben Quayle (REP) was chosen in the primary after a battle with 10 Republican challengers and offers honesty and recognition that Obama is the worst president ever. He has had our endorsement for some time.
David F. Nolan (LBT) is McCain’s opponent. Vote for him and send a protest message to McCain.
Governor: Jan Brewer (REP) although less than ideal, is head and shoulders above Terry Goddard who has shown his dishonesty in dealing with local matters.
Corporation Commission: Brenda Burns and Gary Pierce (REPs) have strong Arizona voices and can be counted on to vote conservatively.
County Attorney: Bill Montgomery (Rep) is ideal for this position.
Clerk of Superior Court: Michael K. Jeanes (REP) has a long record of accomplishment.
State Senator, Dist 7: Eric Shelly (DEM) could not be anywhere as bad, dishonest and conniving as Nancy Barto. Send her home.
State Rep. District 7: David Smith (REP) and Jim Iannuzo (LBT) are the best choices. In any case don’t vote for Democrat in Disguise Heather Carter, the union princess.
Secretary of State: Ken Bennett (REP) is the right man for this important position. It is first in succession if the Governor is disabled.
Attorney General: Tom Horne (REP), who did a splendid job as State Superintendent of Education, fills the needs of this position nicely.
State Treasurer: Doug Ducey (REP) is a strong candidate for this office and should win even though his opponent is spending large sums of money in the campaign.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: John Huppenthal, (REP) unlike his opponent, is not supported by unions and has great ideas to reduce costs and improve education.
State Mine Inspector: Joe Hart (REP) has been around mines his whole life.
Central AZ Water Conservation Dist: These choices are the best to responsibly manage our tax dollars: T.C. Bundy, Raymond Johnson, Mark Lewis, Cynthia Moulton and John Rosado.
Maricopa County Community College, Dist. 2: Dana G. Saar is the only qualified candidate.
Cave Creek Unif. 93: Sadly Susan Clancy is the only qualified, thinking member of the five person school board. Don’t waste your vote on others.
The following statement was written by Republican and SB 1070 author State Senator Russell Pearce: Vote "No" on all Superior, Appellate and Supreme Court judges. It is not an election, it is a retention process in Maricopa and Pima Counties. The other 13 counties get to elect their judges as it should be. The appointment process has no opposition and no accountability. I vote "No" to protest the process. Make no mistake it is a political process, but one that is controlled by the lawyers and not the people. 'We the people' are left out of the real selection of our judges. We have a run-a-way judiciary that refuse to restrain themselves within the law (of course not all) and we must stop judicial activism and bring accountability to the bench.
The following was distributed by COMMON SENSE, in Arizona:
Since there is no real guide to Arizona's judges anywhere, LighthouseBlog.com in conjunction with Republicans put together a review of judges at azjudgesreview.blogspot.com in 2008. It has been updated to include all of the judges on the ballot this year, including a basic quick guide, below. More detailed information on each judge is available on the website, divided into sections of Supreme Court Justices, Court of Appeals judges, and Maricopa County Superior Court judges.
The Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review issues ratings of the judges, but they are all based on silly and meaningless criteria like whether the judge "acted with dignity, courtesy and patience." They are based on reviews by other attorneys, judges and other participants in the court system - like left wing criminal defense attorneys. There is no information provided about a judge's political philosophy or political bias in prior court decisions, so this site attempts to provide that information, which we consider the most important information you'd want to know in regards to a judge. The Commission has only recommended not retaining one or two judges ever!
The site does not yet have information on Superior Court judges outside of Maricopa County, or Justices of the Peace. Any information may be submitted to the site at [email protected].
Quick guide to judges up for election this year
Judges this site gave top reviews to (generally conservative)
Court of Appeals: Dan Barker, Philip Hall, Jon Thompson
Maricopa County Superior Court: Brian Ishikawa,
Peter Reinstein, Eileen Willett
Judges this site gave moderate reviews to (generally moderates, lean conservative)
Supreme Court: Rebecca Berch
Court of Appeals: John Gemmill, Sheldon Weisberg
Maricopa County Superior Court: Mark Aceto, Roger Brodman, Alfred Fenzel, George Foster, Pendleton Gaines, Brian Hauser, Jean Hoag, Carey Hyatt, Michael Jones, Kenneth Mangum, Karen O'Connor, Maria Del Mar Verdin
Judges this site gave negative reviews to (generally slightly left-leaning)
Court of Appeals: Michael Brown, Pat Irvine
Maricopa County Superior Court: Arthur Anderson, Janet Barton, Emmet Ronan, David Talamante
Judges this site gave very poor reviews to (generally very liberal)
Maricopa County Superior Court: Aimee Anderson, Edward Bassett, Dawn Bergin, William Brotherton, Roger Budoff, Edward Burke, Harriett Chavez, Glenn Davis, Gary Donahoe, Sally Duncan, Dean Fink, Richard Gama, Larry Grant, Warren Granville, Hugh Hegyi, Joseph Heilman, Bethany Hicks, Joseph Kreamer, Lee Raymond, Daniel Martin, Rosa Mroz, Sam Myers, Benjamin Norris, Susanna Pineda, Douglas Rayes, John Rea, Samuel Thumma, Randall Warner, Joseph Welty
106: Yes, will allow people health care choices.
107: Yes, eliminates affirmative action in the state.
109: Yes, preserves our hunting and fishing rights.
110: No, a most complex law regarding use of State Trust land that needs months of study and debate.
111: No, it is needed and there is no good reason to change.
112: No, initiatives need more time to gather signatures, not less, and this subtracts two months.
113; Yes, for secret ballots! Hear that Kiwanis?
203: No, it will have the effect, as in California, to legalize marijuana. Such drugs should be legalized but with careful protection of all concerned.
301: No, this is about land sale bank accounts and would help keep status quo instead of deep cuts (yes, education too) needed to “balance the budget.”
302: Yes, the current use of tobacco tax benefits sports teams and state employees. Put the proceeds in the general fund.
Carefree’s proposition 407: Vote NO. Written by Wayne Fisher and Don Snyder, two GOBs and former council members (Fisher was mayor) are trying to give their candidates two bites of the apple. Bob Coady’s initiative is in force as a perfectly sound ordinance to have a direct vote for the mayor.
Franchise agreement with Southwest Gas. Vote NO, Southwest Gas after contracting with Sonoran News, cancelled and advertised the agreement with a newspaper that has little or no circulation in Carefree. I believe Carefree did so at the direction of GOBs, in and out of office.
Franchise agreement with APS: Lets see what they do, vote NO now and see what happens.