OCTOBER 13, 2010

Birthing pains

laughing mattersMicroseconds after a couple becomes pregnant, the wife signs them up for a preparation for parenting class, which, more appropriately titled, would be called something like “How to have a baby just like millions of other people on the planet have done for untold millennia.”

Why anyone would think it’s necessary to have a class to learn what young women anywhere in the world already know how to do is beyond me. Keep Reading...

Step up to celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness

October is national Down syndrome awareness month

PHOENIX – To celebrate National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, this Oct. 30, Down Syndrome Network (DSN) will be hosting their 11th annual walk, Step Up for Down Syndrome during the Arizona State University Homecoming parade. The walk is to promote awareness and acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome and to raise funds to support the numerous programs offered by this largely-volunteer local organization.
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