Senior Night honorees, Oct. 8

Gridiron Moms and Dads and their Falcon sons led off, pre-game, “Senior Night” recognitions.
(l-r) Hamid Yazdi, Co-Capt. Alex Yazdi, Greta Yazdi; Cynthia Driskell, Co-Capt. Max Gersh, Cory Gersh; John Leonard, Quad-Capt. John Leonard, Kristine Leonard. Not available for photo: Jim Hughes, Quad-Capt. Joey Hughes, Beth Gaston.
Photo by Pete Mohr
Friday, Oct. 15, Homecoming Night, vs. Saguaro, is the Falcons’ last home game of the 2010 regular season. Accordingly, “Senior Night,” honoring Football, Band, Pom, Cheer seniors and their respective parents/sponsors, was accelerated to Friday night, Oct. 8. Sonoran News congratulates these talented student athletes and musicians who combine to make “Friday Night Lights” at Cactus Shadows such an upbeat “happening!” And thanks to their parents and sponsors for years-and-years of devotion and support. Names are in alphabetical order, with parents/sponsors in parentheses.
Football (pre-game):
Gunner Black (J.R. & Andrea Black)
Will Bowers (Brian & Susan Bower)
Tyler Coiro (David & Vicki Coiro)
Nic Erickson (Robert & Theresa Erickson)
Max Gersh (Cory Gersh and Cynthia Driskell)
Victor Gutierrez (Victor & Michelle Gutierrez)
Connor Henry (Scott & Dora Henry)
Joey Hughes (Jim Hughes and Beth Gaston)
Ryan Jacobson (Eric & Donna Brown)
Ashton Keown (Mark Keown and Sara Bradshaw)
Parker LaRue (Ron & Nina LaRue)
John Leonard (John & Christine Leonard)
Eric Mattson (Paul & Sharon Mattson)
Tony Matus (Tony, Sr. & Sylvia Matus)
Matt Michalizyen (John & Debbie Michalizysen)
Andrew Miller (Kim Von Dran and Ulrich Von Dran)
Nick Miller (Mark & Danielle Miller)
Chris Noel (Mike & Cassie Noel)
Joree Schneider (Brady & Noelle Schneider)
Austin Stephens (Paul & Louise Stephens)
Cody Wendel (Mark & Nancy Wendel)
Alex Yazdi (Hamid & Greta Yazdi)
Band (halftime):
Songee Barker (Debra Barker & brother Kurt Barker)
Melissa Blakely (Bonnie Blakely)
Connor Dalton (Jeff & Kristi Dalton)
Kristine Dang (Todd & Jenny Davis)
Elyse Gifford (Brent Gifford)
Madison Guidry (Gary & Frankie Grimsman)
Elyssa Hartsock (Robert & Ember Hartsock)
Zoe Hoffmann (Michael & Knoppy Hoffmann)
Sean Kelso (Curtis & Charlotte Kelso)
Christopher Lewis (David & Donna Lewis)
Sean Lewis (David & Donna Lewis)
Jessica Mackiewich (Kurt & Karen Mackiewich)
Katie Maroney (Rod & Barb Maroney)
Randy Penka-Shack (Jordan & Cindy Penka-Shack)
Caitlyn Rector (Mark & Laura Wiggins)
Jaclyn Stevens (Amy Stevens)
Kayla White (Michael & Sharon White)
Pom (halftime):
Jessica Lauridsen (sister Annee Lauridsen)
Lai Yi Ohlsen (Sabra Ohlsen)
Kaitlyn Propp (Kathie Propp)
Sedona Risz (Dan & Sabrena Risz)
Emily Anderson (Debbie Anderson & Brent Gifford)
Lexie Janke (Dean Janke and Kelly Janke)
Kessa Switzenberg (Jill Switzenberg)
Cheer (halftime):
Emma May (Jeff & Laura May)
Brittany Nagy (Vince & Louise Nagy)
Kiersten Saltwick (John Saltwick)
Cierra Stewart (Michael & Victoria Stewart)