OCTOBER 6, 2010
CCFAF mentors make a difference

Merrit Thompson and Megan Koth will start school this fall majoring in the fine arts. Lindsay Coda, a junior, hopes to study art in college, in fact, she wants to be a "cowboy" artist. Dick Mueller and Marty Gibson, two Sonoran Arts League artists joined Judy Bruce in her studio for critiques, pastel and water color work and lots of "art" talk. They hope to add more students and artists and meet at winter, spring and summer vacations.
Bruce, a former art teacher, believes that in order to fulfill the 501 (c) (3) mission for the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival, participating artists must encourage and support the young emerging students. She also knows that it is important for young artists to dialogue with each other, sharing hopes and fears, giving tips and suggestions and working in studio situations with mature experienced artists. Mentoring is beneficial for all involved."
Youth Visual Art Applicants for the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival, Megan Koth, Merrit Thompson and Lindsay Coda arrive at the Bruces for a Saturday afternoon critique and mentoring session.