Sports briefs

‘Denim ‘N Diamonds’ Sunday Eve!
Wear denim. Wear diamonds. Wear both. Whatever your attire and accessories, these six ladies (the organizing committee for CSHS Booster Club’s third annual “Denim ‘N Diamonds” fundraiser at Harold’s) guarantee you a fun evening.
Pictured are
(front, l-r) Lupita Stewart, Boosters President Cindy Classen, Jean Patterson; (back, l-r) Susan Folts, Dana Kazemi, Lori Breitenbucher.
Live music, cash bar, a delicious Harold’s buffet dinner, casino games, silent auction, a 50/50 raffle and balloon pops! What-in-the-heck is a “balloon pop?” I thought you’d never ask – buy one (or more) balloons for $10 each. Inside is a number that matches up with a gift (or gift certificate) valued at $10 or higher. It all gets underway at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 10. Tickets are $35 each or two for $60. Purchase at or at the door.
Boosters is a longtime parent/community support organization for Cactus Shadows athletics and extracurricular activities. They financially back the Falcons! Let’s have a great time backing the Boosters!
Frosh, Jr. Birds vs. Apache Junction
Both Jerry Cumberland’s BabyBirds and Spencer Grace’s Jayvees did not play the week of Sept. 27. After Sonoran News press deadline, Freshmen welcomed their Apache Junction counterparts, Wednesday evening, Oct. 6 and JV made the long haul to ‘A.J.’ the following evening. Results next issue.
Cox7 to air Boulder Creek vs. O’Connor
Boulder Creek will be playing O'Connor High School in football on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. The game will air live on Cox Channel 7, and then will replay on Saturday Oct.9 at 5:30 p.m. Cox7 is also launching a new pregame show that will air immediately preceding the game at 6:30 p.m. For fans who are out of market, the game will stream live on