‘Third hand’ smoke

Rob could build, fix, fit and retrofit anything. Tree falls on your house knocking out all the electricity in a blizzard on Christmas Eve, Rob could and did trudge through deep drifts and cheerfully fix it. Be offended if you didn’t call him. Hot water tank shorts out, daughter’s car shorts out, Rob was there to fix it. Rob is real, not another hallucinogenic imagination of my mind like Zortran the Terrible and his endless accordion playing. Rob builds his own Maseratis as a hobby. He could fix anything except a Montreal Canadien’s losing streak and that really bothered him given he was a hopeless Hab’s fan. I’m sure that if you cut him, he’d bleed red. Keep reading ...
SEPTEMBER 22, 2010
ObamaCare director Kathleen Sebelius thinks that we need ‘a lot of re-education’

As explained in the short article pasted below my signature, Sebelius and other supporters of ObamaCare still refuse to admit that the federal takeover of America’s health care sector was a bad idea. Instead, “the Obama administration is trying to pretend that the problem is merely one of bad public relations.” Keep reading ...