Becky Fenger Fenger PointingSEPTEMBER 15, 2010

ICLEI is just icky

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Phoenix is. Scottsdale isn't. Denver is. Cave Creek isn't. And Spokane is, but is trying like hell to be an "isn't" again.

What is "is"? An ICLEI city. That stands for International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, now morphed into Local Governments for Sustainability. The International part involves the United Nations' plans for global regional development, although ICLEI is now in the process of eliminating any references to the United Nations on its Web site in order to slip the true intentions of the U.N. under the radar.

There are now over 600 cities and counties in the U.S. that have signed contracts with ICLEI. Last year, this quotation was found on the Website: "During the Local Government Session at the World Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa (August 2002), local government leaders from around the world, as well as representatives from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UN-HABITAT and the World Health Organization (WHO) joined ICLEI in launching Local Action 21 as the next phase of Local Agenda 21 (LA21)." Lordy, that's a rogue's gathering of alphabet soup if I ever saw one! If you think there's not mischief within the bowels of a monster like UN-HABITAT, you haven't been paying attention to the Re-Wilding movement.

Author Kathleen Marquardt has been warning of the dangers in these groups for some time. She tells us that at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco on June 5, 2005, that two documents were presented: the "Green Cities Declaration" and the "Urban Environmental Accords." Every mayor who attended signed them. Because of that, she believes that every citizen's property rights are in danger, as well as the U.S. Constitution.

Mayor Phil Gordon of Phoenix signed on the dotted line to the "Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement" in 2007. The official Website of the City brags that Gordon is committed to conducting an inventory of greenhouse gases (GHG) with the goal of reducing GHG in Phoenix. Just as Phoenix Mayor Skip Rimsza yearned to be the "Light Rail" mayor (complete with his own bobble-head doll with a tiny train circling his tiny feet), Gordon wants to be the greenest mayor in the country.

Other cities, including residents of Spokane, Washington, have found that such practices lead to any number of maladies, including: high-density housing scams, open space where access is not allowed, prohibitions on natural resource management leading to increased fire hazards, lack of water, and private property restrictions, and, of course, increased taxes, fees, regulations and restrictions. Not to mention the ever popular managed control over our lives by feral government entities who now ignore constitutional restrictions. That's a lot of nasty all in one document.

For all this potential for suffering under Local Agenda 21, ICLEI members must pay international dues and follow international orders. Towns are lured into taking unwise actions with unforeseen consequences just to obtain the Holy Grail of funding. What's a little loss of freedom here and there?

It is ironic that the birth of the ICLEI movement is based on a myth – that of global warming and the idea the man can change climate by reducing his carbon footprint. The end goal is to punish the United States for its wealth, and to transfer that wealth to developing nations by means of limiting our greenhouse gas emissions. Fengernails to the social engineers of the world.

I'm especially interested in the fate of the Spokane Patriots, a Tea Party-type group whose aim is to extricate itself from ICLEI and withdraw from their "Sustainability" policy. Meg Doherty, their spokesperson, states: "The citizens of Spokane have grown tired of watching the city spend our tax dollars legislating, regulating, and threatening our property rights, all in the name of global climate change." She goes on to say that Spokane was duped by the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) and that much of the "sustainability action plan" is based on a massive fraud.

Only elitists are buying the sullied, falsified data from the unethical climate modelers anymore. But I will fight tooth and (Fenger) nail to see that Scottsdale and other cities don't succumb. Time constraints prevented me from attending lecturer Michael Shaw's meeting at his Liberty Garden in Santa Cruz County, California, last month to get updates on the latest ICLEI developments. (See It would behoove all of us, however, to learn more about the movement that is capable of draining our treasuries, limiting our freedoms and stealing our land.