But do we need two?

Found myself flying in a small floatplane. “OK folks check under your seat to make sure that little floating device thingy has been restocked.” The plane came complete with pontoons, earplugs, 3” wide seats usually shared with Sammy Sumo, and a single pilot (no wedding band). He is the lone pilot, the flight attendant (“coffee, tea or ocean water?”) and the copilot. No other copilot in sight unless seagull feathers count.
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AUGUST 4, 2010
Walk for Hope has a NEW date and NEW location for 2010!

At City of Hope, we want to do more. We want to save more women. We want to build a future without women's cancers. We believe in the power of hope and helping more women in the fight against breast and other cancers. Please join us for our 1.3 mile walk or 5K timed run. Register and start fundraising for Walk for Hope today at
Pre Registration: Adults - $25, Children (12 and under) - $20
Day of Event Registration: $30 Adults and $25 Children.
Additional fundraising is highly encouraged.
For more information: [email protected] or 602-340-8925.