Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival Showcases explode onto the summer scene
Awards ceremony set for Saturday, July 17

In its fifth year, the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival continues to attract both high quality works of art and interest from around the state. After jurors completed their evaluation of the works submitted, semifinalists were invited to performance showcases held in various local venues between Friday, July 9 and Monday, July 12. Finalists were announced at the end of each showcase event (See all finalists in the right hand column).

Copper Lady by
Marg Nelssen
More than 250 people attended the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival Adult Visual Arts, Youth and Adult Photography and Choreography Showcase, sponsored by Valerie’s Friday evening at the Desert Foothills Library.
Wonderment and delight, entertainment by Kevin Glenn at the piano, stimulating conversation, tasty finger foods and drinks were experienced and enjoyed by attendees amidst the Semifinalist Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival category entries.
The Adult Visual Art show and the Photography show will remain at the library through July 30 so you have an extended viewing opportunity you won’t want to miss. The variety and quality of the pieces is incredible. Plan to spend as much time as you can give to yourself anytime between now and the end of the month, during library hours, to view the show.
Literary Arts
Despite the heat Sunday afternoon, a crowd of 50 attended the Short Story Showcase at the Desert Foothills Library at 1 p.m. To the sheer delight of the audience, three youth stories and five adult stories were read. Some of the stories were not read in their entirety due to length, but the audience was totally engaged in listening to every piece. Laughter erupted continually during the humorous readings and the serious pieces drew sighs and tears.
An announcement was made that the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival will sponsor four hour-long creative writing classes in September. They will be taught online by Sheila Bender, nationally known writing instructor. The course is open to the public and by July 20 registration can be completed online at www.CaveCreekFilmandArtsFestival.com.
After a short break, an audience of 50 gathered for the Poetry Showcase at 2:30 p.m. during which five youth and six adult poems were presented. The readings were well received and the audience was quick to show their appreciation with applause.
The English Rose Tea Room will sponsor a Literary Tea on July 31 from 3 – 5 p.m. Short Story and Poetry (youth and adult) finalists will be invited to present their works.

A Tree of a Thousand Colors by Brett Brophy
Youth Visual Arts
The Youth Visual Arts Showcase was held at the Cactus Shadows Film and Arts Center on 60th Street in Scottsdale on Sunday evening at 6:30. Well over 100 were in attendance to view the youth entries. The young artists’ pieces gave everyone good reason to wander through the show more than once, returning to favorites for another look.
The depth and breadth of works from these extraordinarily talented young men and women was simply stunning.
The show will remain at the FACE Gallery in the Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center lobby from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. until July 30 for all who wish to experience it.
The Film Showcase, sponsored by the Sedona Film Fest, immediately followed the Youth Visual Arts Showcase Sunday evening so some of those 100 attendees plus the ones who arrived just before the 7 p.m. start time withdrew to the theater for the film extravaganza.
The imagination and creativity of the film makers was displayed in widely diverse film styles that led the audience from one uniquely emotional impact to the next.
Suzanne Johnson, Film Chair for the 2010 Festival, spoke eloquently to the audience before the last film to explain why, although the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival does not censor material, it would not be shown. An interpretation of a clause in the CCUSD Facility Use Manual led to the film being pulled from the Showcase. A new venue is needed where all entries can be shown. You may read Suzanne Johnson’s comments in their entirety by clicking on this link.
Original Song
The Original Song Showcase drew a crowd of 250 to Harold’s on Monday evening. Six youth entries were performed in the first segment of the showcase followed by 19 adult entries.
Original Song Chair Kevin Glenn, emcee for the evening, said every Showcase semifinalist performance was wonderful and it was obvious the audience agreed. Round after round of applause followed piano, guitar and solo and harmonizing voices. As sponsor for the showcase, Harold’s provided appetizers and lemonade for all. The success of the evening’s show was apparent by the audience’s rapt attention.
People’s Choice
This year at each showcase event, attendees were asked to vote for their favorite entry. The total of these votes will determine the People’s Choice Award winner, the piece that received the most votes overall. The award will be presented by People’s Choice sponsor Silver Spur Saloon and Eatery during the Coyote Awards Ceremony on Saturday, July 17 at 5 p.m. at the Cactus Shadows Fine Arts Center.