BY PETE MOHR | JULY 14, 2010
New Head Coach Spencer Grace believes ‘sky’s the limit!’ for CSHS baseball
Native Californian, 28, vowing ‘to tap every resource we have’ in structuring stable program

CCUSD – On Sept. 30, 2009, at a San Diego venue, Spencer Grace celebrated his 28th birthday by skydiving with the special lady in his life, one Jaimie Shea. Immediately after their successful landing, still in his parachute rigging, Spencer proposed. Jaimie accepted! They plan to take the marital “plunge” shortly after the mid-May end of the 2011 high school baseball season, which will be Coach Grace’s inaugural campaign at the helm of Cactus Shadows Varsity Baseball, his first head coaching assignment.
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BY PETE MOHR | JULY 14, 2010
Some FIFA World Cup/soccer reflections
An update on Brendan OíHearn (CSHS ‘09)

CAVE CREEK – I must confess that even when Team USA advanced to the FIFA World Cup’s Round of 16 against Ghana, I was not a television viewer; and I didn’t watch the Spain vs. Netherlands finals, although, in deference to our continental neighbors in South and Central America and Mexico, I did root silently for Espana.
As a sportswriter, I’m happy that for most of the last 30 days (no comment on the July 8th exaltation, stupidly-staged, of King LeBron), futbol has rightfully occupied center stage of fandom worldwide; but I’m not going to lose sleep over the fact that until the next World Cup competition rolls around in 2014, soccer will fade from our national sports radar – including the monitor manned by ESPN.
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