JUNE 30 – JULY 6, 2010
Your View
News headline: "Mexican Gangs Maintain Permanent Lookout Bases in Hills of Arizona." Democrats want Latino votes and Republicans want cheap labor. So nothing substantial gets done about illegal immigration.
The city of Maywood, California will lay off all city employees and begin contracting police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department effective July 1. The town of Carefree has already farmed out its police services to the MCSO. Think of the cash that would be saved if Scottsdale took over town administration on a fee basis. Then the GOB mob couldn't dole out political favors to its supporters. Reason enough to find a new mayor.
Barricade Blues
It's summertime in AZ and what can you say,
In 25 years I've never seen it this way!
Even if you could get drivers to do near the speed limit,
It won't do any good 'cause every lane has a barricade in it!!
Barricade here, barricade there, no matter where you look,
They’re everywhere!!
Even if work isn't being done,
They have the road blocked off just for fun!
What's really a hoot is they don't stop at one road,
Someone decided they all had to go!!
Drivers confused,
Don't know which lane to use!
Makes it a fun circus for all who live here,
And for the visitor it sure instills fear!!
One thing for certain that I can say,
Bob's Barricade is a rich man these days!!
I attended the District 7 Republican Senate and House primary candidate forum recently. Mostly it was Tweedledee and Tweedledumber. As a group they were almost as dopey as the Carefree town council. I managed to stifle a guffaw when Nancy Barto described herself as a soft-spoken lioness. She was appointed to the House in 2006 and apparently believes she can defeat goofy Ray Barnes for Jim Waring's vacant Senate seat. The only person who will get my vote is House candidate David Smith, who made it clear what he stands for.
Your newspaper has forced me to do what I said I would never do. When you went to printing every other week, I had to learn how to use the computer to access your web page and that has had many dividends not the least is that Pete Mohr’s sport page is four times bigger than the printed page. Not only that, but I followed the advice from someone who wrote to Your View and suggested avoiding the tax hike by buying online. Thanks for pushing me into the digital age.
Tell me it is OK to tear up roads in Cave Creek and Carefree during a major recession. You know whose dollars are being spent – they are your and my tax dollars. The roads were fine; it is ‘make work’ pure and simple. When will cities stop accepting stimulus money and tell Washington to stop it?
Sign pollution is evident all over Cave Creek. When is the town going to apply restrictions to the invasion of obnoxious signs? I would think Sonoran News would recognize the opportunity and get them in your newspaper rather than on our streets.
Editor’s note: We are working on it!
I'm "going green" by using cloth shopping bags. To keep the inside tidy I line them with a paper bag, then place the plastic bags with food items onto the paper. When the outside gets dirty, I wash it in warm water on heavy cycle with detergent, bleach, and baking soda, then place it into my dryer on low setting. Next I put a new paper bag inside and I'm all set for my next trip to the grocery store. Go green! No germs for me!
Editor’s note: I thought the ‘green’ part of using cloth bags was to discontinue using paper bags. Did I miss something?
The letter to the editor titled “Cave Creek is unkept” (in last week’s issue) caught my attention. I have been of the opinion that if people are upset as Ms. Kelly appears to be, they should move where they think it is so much better, like in her case, Carefree. She asked doesn’t anyone care? None of the people I know give a damn and I certainly don’t. As Mr. Sorchych has often written, “Cave Creek is not tidy town.” I have been here for 34 years and it always has been that way and we love it! And by the way calling Cave Creek “perfectly uncivilized” is wide of the mark and stupid.
Could someone please find out whether the work zone times posted at 25 mph are there when people are working or all the time? It sure would eliminate lots of confusion if people knew the rules.
“White House welcomes Shariah finance specialist.” Don't forget, they are his Muslim Brothers. If Shariah law comes into the United States, that will definitely be the end of our country ... remember that. I believe that we are seeing the attempt by this POTUS to install Shariah law. There is a news article where police in Dearborn, Michigan (heavily populated by Muslims) arrested some Christians who were videotaping some Muslim parade or celebration. When the police arrested them, they allegedly asked under what section of law? The police were quoted as saying, "Under Shariah law." Apparently it is some Muslim law that states they can't be videotaped. We absolutely can not allow any law to be enforced other than U.S. law.