JUNE 30, 2010
No to Nancy Barto
No to Rick Romley

We are surrounded by a circus of political activity, which is way better than those nations which manipulate or steal elections.
Republicans should celebrate the fact that so many are running for office and so many are qualified to run and serve.
Imagine that at one time 14 candidates filed to run for John Shadegg’s seat and 10 are still competing to be the chosen one to compete in the November general election against a Democrat opponent. In my judgment at least half of those running are qualified. None will fill Shadegg’s shoes immediately, as there is a substantial learning curve. Strong conservative credentials will hopefully rule the vote although we know elections can be bought.
The Cactus Alliance is a group of bloggers, representing a variety of professions, who are seeking to create some transparency in politics. The discussion below appeared on Cactus Alliance.
“Our LD7 meeting was absolute chaos. Rep. Nancy Barto, who dodged the vote on HB2280, the bill that would have banned sanctuary cities, therefore ensuring its defeat, showed up to explain herself. The PCs at the meeting were not happy with her explanation, which was pretty vague, she just said she didn't like the way it was written. The audience got pretty unruly attacking her. Not a single person stood up to defend her. Even her fellow LD7 Representative Ray Barnes stood up and criticized her nonvote. LD7 is a solidly Republican district. Barto was elected to represent our viewpoints. By deliberately sabotaging this important bill, Barto has shown that she will not represent the voters who elected her. We're going to find someone to run against her next year.”
That would be Ray Barnes, the candidate Barto said she wouldn’t run against, but she lied.
If the Cactus Alliance didn’t like her non vote to deny cities sanctuary status they will also be livid about her sponsorship of HB 2154.
The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry sent out their endorsements for the primaries and included Barto as a choice.
After receiving their unbelievably stupid endorsement list I sent an email making a strong statement against Barto because of the sponsorship of HB 2154 that would have devastated everyone in Arizona who lives on a private road and has an easement. Hundreds of Cave Creek property owners and thousands of property owners all over Arizona who share easements on private roads would have been victims. When the real estate lobbyists managed to kill the bill, Barto attempted to have the bill apply only to Cave Creek, which depending upon how it was written, may have been illegal. Sonoran News has several articles about this in its archives at www.Sonorannews.com.
For shame.
One would think endorsers would check the record and if they didn’t, well it tells you what the endorsement is worth. In Barto’s case, if they did check the record, it tells us influence peddling is OK. So the Chamber endorsement is trash.
The moral of this story is to vote for Barnes and convince others to do the same.
If you have bothered to know Barnes he is a folksy ex-private detective. He is cagey about the political process and listens to his constituents. He is a real conservative and has the gravitas to fight for conservative principles. Compare that with Barto’s walk out favoring illegal aliens. Her audacity concerning HB 2154, as far as we call tell, for just one local supporter although it would have created vast and expensive problems to tens of thousands of Arizona home owners who share easements on private roads.
Cave Creek estimates 25 percent of its population live on private roads. We are seeking more statistics to report.
Rick Romley
Except for Adam Trenk, we have a pretty good council in Cave Creek. In spite of the fact Town Manager Usama Abujbarah and Councilman Steve LaMar are liberal Democrats, it was stunning they would hold a fund raiser for Rick Romley, a so called Republican but really a Republican In Name Only, or RINO.
I can’t print what I said to Abujbarah when he told me, but Vice Mayor Ernie Bunch did it right. When Abujbarah told him, Bunch said, “You liberals have no shame.”
And why do Democrats want Romley to remain in the county attorney’s office? Because he isn’t a Republican; he is a Democrat in Republican clothes, a RINO!
Romley was a huge burr under Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s saddle when Romley occupied the county attorney’s office before Andy Thomas.
Romley was re-appointed by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors after Andy resigned. They did this because of their battle with Arpaio and Thomas.
Romley’s first official action, less than an hour after being appointed, was to walk down to Barnett Lotstein’s office and fire him.
This was odd since Lotstein served Romley for years and Romley steadfastly supported Lotstein when he was accused of sexual harassment.
If you think the appointment came with no strings you would be wrong. I believe the county was behind the firing and also Romley’s statement that he wouldn’t prosecute illegals sent to him by MCSO.
Romley is like McCain. He deserves thanks for his Vietnam service where he was wounded. He doesn’t deserve the office of county attorney. He has been there, is there now and never did a good job.
He especially doesn’t belong there because it is a Republican primary and he is about as much a Republican as McCain and former Attorney General Grant Wood are.
So vote in the primary for Bill Montgomery for county attorney and Andy Thomas for Attorney General.