JUNE 30, 2010
Cave Creek is the ‘best’ place in the metro Phoenix area for July 3 and 4 Fireworks!!!

CAVE CREEK – Bring your entire family and all of your friends to explore and spend the day in unique Cave Creek. Take a hike, go for a horseback ride, tour the desert in a jeep or 4-wheeler. Shop, have coffee or lunch, visit the Desert Foothills Library to view the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival Adult Visual Arts, Youth and Adult Photography Show. Have dinner and stay for the fireworks at dark. Relax and enjoy. Visit CaveCreekChamber.org for event updates.
Stop at the Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information Center in Frontier Town to find out more.
Many thanks for supporting this year's fireworks go to:
The Buffalo Chip Saloon, Carefree Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce, Carefree Conference Resort, Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce, Cody's, El Encanto, Frontier Town, Harold's Cave Creek Corral, Hideaway, Horny Toad, Los Mesquites, Rancho Manana, and Tri-Rentals.
~ July 3 – “3rd of July” ~
Approximately 9 p.m. Fireworks on Brenner’s Hill (East end of Cave Creek Road between Harold’s and Buffalo Chip).
~ 5 p.m.-2 a.m.: Festivities Harold’s Corral, 6895 E. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek. Cost: Free. Fireworks: reservations required for seating at Harold’s. 5 p.m. outdoor barbecue, 7 p.m. EastonAshe outdoor concert and 8:30 p.m. Young Country indoor concert. Other activities include face-painting, the Games2U Mobile Video Theater, drink specials and prizes. Carefree Resort is offering special rates for the weekend and transportation to holiday events for hotel guests. Information: Harold’s 480-488-1906 or www.haroldscorral.com. Carefree Resort, 480-488-5300, www.carefree-resort.com.
~ 6 p.m. – midnight: Firecracker Food Fest, Watermelon bust and kids games 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. Live music and dancing with The Pat James Band 7:45 – 1:30 a.m. Buffalo Chip Saloon, 6811 E. Cave Creek Road. Call 480-488-9118 or visit www.BuffaloChipSaloon.com.
~ 7 – 11 p.m.: “W” Alan Hall at Los Mesquites Tacqueria, 37645 N. Cave Creek Road. Open 7 days a week. Call 480-488-0489.
~ View 3rd of July Fireworks from nearby patios: Marzano’s Italian Grill (480-488-2224), The Horny Toad (480-488-9542), El Encanto (480-488-0024). Reserve your seats early!
Come early and cool off!
~ 7 a.m. – noon: Thieves Market. 38410 N. Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek. Bring your squirt guns. Cost: $1 all-day pass. Information: 602-400-3330 or www.cavecreekthievesmarket.com.
~ "Christmas in July" runs from July 1 –31 Snow! Santa! Tree! Steven DeWitt Perrin Gallery. Get out of the heat and into the cool winter 'blast' for your early Christmas gift shopping! Lots of affordable artistic gifts now available! "The un-Southwestern Southwest Artist" at Las Tiendas Shoppes, 6140 E. Cave Creek Road. Call 480-575-1780.
~ July 4 ~
~ Approximately 9 p.m. 4th of July Fireworks (toward the west end of Cave Creek Road north of the post office on School House Road)
~ 7 – 11 p.m.: 4th of July Festivities including a barbecue, the psychic medium, “The Mystic of Cave Creek,” and live music by W. Alan Hall in the Beer Garden and EastonAshe at the Fountain Patio. Free fireworks, but come early to get your favorite seat. The best view of the fireworks show is from the Silver Spur Saloon patio, 6245 E. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek. For information: 480-488-3317 or www.silverspursaloon.com.
~ 6 p.m. – midnight: Firecracker Food Fest. Water Balloon War with Harold’s, 7 p.m. True Red, White & Blue Big Screen Movie, 8 p.m. Hayride to top of Brenner’s Hill at 8:30 p.m. to watch Fireworks (bring a lawn chair). Live music and dancing with the Pat James Band, 8:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. Buffalo Chip Saloon, 6811 E. Cave Creek Road, 480-488-9118 or visit www.BuffaloChipSaloon.com.
~ 5 – 11:30 p.m.: Celebrate the 4th of July with the Cave Creek Coffee Company / C4 Martini & Wine Bar sponsored by De Kupyer and Sauza. Liquor snow cones, hot dogs, sliders, Jalapeno Beer marinated Bratwurst. Live music with the Cave Creek Cowboy Crew! 6033 E. Cave Creek Rd., Cave Creek. For more information please call 480-488-0603 or visit www.cavecreekcoffee.com.
~ View 4th of July Fireworks from nearby patios: Marzano’s Italian Grill (480-488-2224), The Horny Toad (480-488-9542), El Encanto (480-488-0024). Reserve your seats early!