JUNE 16 – 22, 2010
Your View
Almost immediately after the Carefree Town Council voted on May 4 to continue a decision on whether or not to pay an attorney's legal bill for successfully defending Councilman Coady against former Mayor Fulcher's attack, the councilman's attorney received full payment for his services. Knowing that the town would be sued for non-payment and incur additional costs, apparently Mayor Schwan paid the town's legal firm that then paid Coady's lawyer. I submit there should be an inquiry into how the expenses were paid despite the agenda item having been officially continued. I attended the June 1 council meeting and was shocked to learn the matter was resolved without public input or council action.
Obama has failed to revive the economy. "We'll borrow more money than anybody in history and spend it, give it to doctors, call it health care, that I'll fix everything, its a stimulus, just give it a chance." That's insane!!! Or maybe we'll all do that, borrow more money then anybody and spend it! Yea yea, that's real **c*r*a*z*y**. The economy will get worse and worse, and fall apart.
I hope that since we, the taxpayers, are paying for the ‘stimulus’ paving project, the businesses along Cave Creek Road can survive the “minimal impact to business access” touted in the ad. YIKES!!
China now has cruise missiles and can attack anybody anytime they want. They can hit 10, 100, 500 or any number amount of cities all at the same time, whatever.
"When I joined the military it was illegal to be homosexual, then it became optional. I'm getting out before Obama makes it mandatory."
Steele Coddington took a turn for the worse this week. Horse burps are the highlight … .
I have a question: If you live in Cave Creek and your kids go to school at Cave Creek Unified School, I would assume as a homeowner you would pay school taxes for that area. OK, if you live in Scottsdale and your kids go to CCUSD. Do the homeowners’ school tax monies go to CCUSD or Scottsdale District?
I can't believe more people are not upset with our school system up here. How can we live in such an "elite" area and have one of the worst districts in Arizona? If you could help me with the above question please. I am a native Arizonan.
How does Becky Fenger dig up all of the ‘insider’ information she provides? The 2008 statements from Dr. Donald Berwick … where was I when these things were happening? Or is it that no one was paying attention in 2008? We were all too complacent. Well, we’re paying attention now aren’t we?
I wish I had known about the online option for home-schooling when CCUSD went down the tubes – too long ago for me to pinpoint it.
I must have been out of town in July of last year when you published Linda Bentley’s article “Backlash over Barto’s silent protest” which is reminiscent of Obama’s present votes in Illinois. We need to move past the colossal waste of taxpayer dollars and elect real representation.
Loved Cantoni’s Guest Editorial in the July 9 issue. Such a sharp commentator. My favorite quote is not as pithy as it is true: “… those who give up liberty for security end up with neither.”
To the person who commented in Your View about Lyn Hitchon’s writing: Although the Plato-ism is an apt one, why bother with her at all? She should be dismissed. She is an idiot – too stupid to know when she is being used.
The God Bless America features are always my favorite. I’ve noticed the ones you publish online only are longer (some way too long to print), but we’d rather you print every week so we can get our Sonoran News fix in our easy chairs or at the breakfast table rather than at our computers. Hang in there!
Unless Rev. Manning’s Grand Jury proceedings and the evidence presented receives serious attention and soon, we may be facing a full four year term for Obama. Think of the work it will require to undo what he will have fu--ed up by then. It will be a relief to see him pack his bags and go back to whatever he was doing before he so rudely interrupted our lives.
Ann Dodson’s letter to the editor expressed my thoughts very well. I don’t recall reading anything from her in the past. Hope to in the future. Employers – businesses and individuals – offering work to illegals has always been the problem. If there was no work, they would go home.
It’s great to have Dr. Dave Hepburn back. You published a column by him years ago. I forgot how much fun good medical information can be. His book – I’ve got to pick one up – will be both valuable and entertaining, I’m sure.
Clean Elections, which always seemed a misnomer, may be going away – finally. Is there a place we can find out which candidates for each seat were running ‘clean’ and which ones weren’t?
I’ve never even considered home-schooling my young children when they are of age, but I’m going to check it out. It may be a possibility I didn’t know was available.