BY PETE MOHR | jUNE 9, 2010
‘Seven-on-seven’ – Dee-fence, too!
“We played a lot and did well,” Head Coach Chad DeGrenier summarized his squad’s performance, Saturday, June 5, at U of A’s “Passing League Tournament,” as he watched 75 (veterans and aspirants) go through their drills at Summer Football Camp’s Monday session. “Coach D.” singled out (l-r) cornerback Max Gersh, safety Nick Erickson and linebacker Austin Stephens for their play at Tucson. Next PLT appearance: Friday, ASU, 5 p.m.
Profiles start next issue
“Back by popular demand …” Sonoran News is glad to oblige! Profiles of 2010 Falcon Football seniors will start next issue. (l-r, standing) linebacker Joey Hughes (Profile #3), lineman Alex Yazdi (#1), receiver John Leonard (#2) and receiver Joree Schneider (seated, #4) will kick off the “Profile Parade.”
As always, “Senior Leadership” will be critical to this season’s success.