JUNE 2, 2010
Have a pleasant heart attack

Realizing that, between the big bad three most of you will have one day, namely heart attack, cancer and stroke, given your druthers, you would prefer to have a heart attack. Yes this is somewhat like saying which of the Three Stooges you would like to date but the feared stroke can leave you asking others for help, for a ride, for a bite or for a hand with the toilet paper. Cancer can mean years of slash, burn and poison. So comparatively speaking, a myocardial infarction may not seem so bad and so I would like to help you get that heart attack. I believe according to the laws of Thor, Odin and Ernie you are only entitled to one of these big bad three, so letís go for the myocardial infarction. More...
JUNE 2, 2010
Sexting and deception

I am trying to teach my son that people on the Internet can lie about their age, gender, etc. but he doesn't seem to get it? Can you help?
Teaching children about deception can be tricky depending on their age and level of maturity. Besides, who really knows how or when to tell your kid that there are bad people in the world who are purposefully lying about who they are and what they want?
No one is sure exactly when children are able to cognitively grasp this type of deception. Children do seem more capable of understanding "stranger danger" in their physical neighborhood than in the virtual world. This cognitive gap makes our kids vulnerable.