Monica Barrett new ‘A.D.’ at Notre Dame; CSHS Baseball's Mike Baker not ‘renewed’

SCOTTSDALE – As the headline tells, during the last ten days of May, there was “good news” at Notre Dame – more “bad news” for Cactus Shadows athletics.
Starting with the good news: Monica Barrett, for some 22 years a teacher, assistant principal, athletic director and #1 Falcon fan, has been named new athletic director at Notre Dame Preparatory High School in north Scottsdale. She succeeds Mike Mahon, who is supporting his wife’s return to a teaching position in Europe. Congratulations and best wishes, Monica, on this well-deserved compliment to your career both as an educator and athletic administrator. Watch a “Falcon” become a “Saint” right before our very eyes! Now to the “bad news” at CSHS …
Mike Baker, by a selection committee chaired by Principal Steve Bebee, was chosen Cactus Shadows’ head baseball coach in late-August 2009. He led a young Falcon team (only three senior starters) to a 13-5 regular season mark and into a tie (with Sunnyslope) for the #6 ranking in A.I.A. Power Points. [The Falcons were eliminated in the 1st Round of the 4A-I State Tournament by (Tucson) Sahuaro’s dominant righthander, Jake Cole, who’s headed for the University of North Carolina – depending on how high he may be selected in next week’s Major League Baseball Amateur Draft.]
Coach Baker is a solid baseball man, having coached the Netherlands squad in the 1996 Olympics and scouted some ten years for the New York Yankees. In the 2001 World Series, his assignment was scouting Diamondbacks pitching. Perhaps more important than his baseball credentials, this writer can attest to his high-principled mentoring of the Baseball Falcons.
On May 11, 2010, his contract for 2010-2011 was not renewed. Why? Bottom line, he stood up to one of the higher ranking “Educrats” – and lost. The biggest loser? Cactus Shadows Baseball.
“Vaya con Dios!,” “Coach Mike.”