MAY 26, 2010

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Rally in Support of SB1070
3 – 6 p.m., Saturday, June 5
Wesley Bolin Plaza, 1700 W. Washington St.

Phoenix is rising again!

Those who oppose SB1070 in Arizona have had their say. With sporadic outbursts of violence, shouting and civil disobedience, they have made their intentions clear - that enforcement of the law is not a top priority for them.

It is now our turn!

Join thousands of other Americans as they make their way from the far reaches of America on a four day Freedom March Across America beginning June 1 culminating in a mass rally in Phoenix, Arizona on June 5.

The rally is called Phoenix Rising for a reason. On this day Americans will come together and watch as the Phoenix rises from the ashes of non-enforcement of our immigration laws that has gone on for decades. They will stand for the rule of law and in support of Arizona and its new law SB1070. They will call for a groundswell of other states to take on the duty our federal government has failed to uphold.

For more information and an updated schedule of the day’s events visit