BY PETE MOHR | MAY 26, 2010
Track celebrates solid 2010!
With six CSHS new records set, strong performances at Desert Sky Regionals and 4A-I State Championships, Geoff Johnson can point with satisfaction to his inaugural season as head track coach. On Tuesday evening, May 18, the entire Falcon Track Family joined in celebrating the athletes whose performances made possible the solid – and promising – 2010 season. Coach Johnson expressed his special appreciation for Track parents’ support and the dedication of his staff.
Nearing the events conclusion, he announced the Team Awards: (front, l-r) SR Kelsey Nigbur (Most Improved), SO Jenny Gormley (Scratch-‘n-Claw … determination, effort), SR Paige Kratzke (Leadership), FR CaseyPaul (Rookie-of-the-Year), SR Merrit Thompson (Leadership); (Back, l-r) SR Ryan Toomey (Scratch-‘n’Claw), SR Keith Omundson (Leadership), SR Geoff Byers (Leadership), SR Kyle Ledesma (Most Improved), FR Ethan Homan (Rookie-of-the-Year). Congratulations, Track Falcons, Coach Johnson and Staff!