Spring has sprung and so have pet allergies!
By Brian Ashmore, DVM | April 28, 2010

Itching, face rubbing, head shaking and leg licking are all recognized as symptoms of allergies in dogs. Skin and ear infections are also common sequelae of allergies. Some dogs have such severe allergies that they damage their skin to the point of bleeding. This is certainly not a fun life to live. The good news is that there are treatments that provide relief to our suffering pets. These treatments come in the form of supplements such as fatty acids, bathing with medicated or non-medicated shampoos and antihistamines to name a few. Traditionally a corticosteroid called prednisone has been used to treat moderate to severe allergies which produces very reliable results. Unfortunately prednisone comes with side effects some of which can be harmful.
So what is a pet owner to do when their pet has allergies and a simple bath doesn’t do the trick? That’s where your friendly neighborhood veterinarian comes into play. I start with listening, then examining your pet and then coming up with a plan that fits your pet and you. Not all pets were created equal so in turn not all allergy treatments should be the same.
So, if you have a dog, cat or even mouse that is very uncomfortable this allergy season come in and see me. Let’s work together to make your pet’s allergy season itch-free.
Animal Health Services, 37555 N. Cave Creek Rd., 480-488-6181