Making sense of the Decennial Census
By Linda Bentley | March 17, 2010
Illegal aliens serving jail or prison time are the only ‘tourists at will’ legally domiciled
in this country
DENVER, Colo. – Last week, the Denver Regional Census Center sent out a press release saying, “Though enumerators for the Decennial Census’ operations are currently in rural communities, other Census survey work continues to happen.”
It states, “Field representatives collect information for Census Bureau ongoing surveys that the public regularly uses. These include: unemployment rates, use of government programs, changes in cost of living, crime victimization, health care access and quality of health information.”
It goes on to say, “Households chosen for any Census survey will usually be notified first through mail in a letter describing the survey and its purpose.”
According to its website, “The Census Bureau conducts a variety of Censuses and surveys, not just the once-a-decade Census. Every month, quarter and year we conduct surveys with households and businesses.”
The Census Bureau claims the questions it asks are “used only to provide statistics and you are never identified individually.”
It also states, “Federal law protects your information, and we have developed policies and statistical safeguards to help us follow the law and further ensure the confidentiality of your information.”
Census workers take an “Oath of Non-Dislcosure.”
When hired to work for the Census Bureau, employees must sign a “Sworn Affidavit of Nondisclosure,” which obligates Census workers to accept the responsibility of keeping data confidential, constituting a lifetime obligation even after they are no longer affiliated with the Census Bureau.
The penalty for unlawful disclosure is a fine of not more than $250,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.
Apparently the Census Bureau recently mailed a letter out to people saying they would be receiving the Decennial Census form in the mail the next week.
However, when a Census Bureau representative came to speak in Carefree a while back, he said the Census Bureau will not mail a Census form to a post office box. In rural areas with no carrier service, he said Census workers will personally deliver questionnaires.
In Arizona, where many people own second or vacation homes, Census workers are basically flagging vacant homes by hanging Census bags on fence posts and front doors that will remain for days or weeks on end.
Then there are the people who never seem to get counted, such as those who could have mail delivery to a street address but elect not to since the mail doesn’t actually get delivered to that street address but to a cluster box at a remote location, notorious for vandalization and mail theft.
Instead, some people have elected to have their mail delivered to a post office box. As a result, they likely won’t be counted.
There are a lot of questions being asked as to what people are required by law to tell the Census Bureau.
The Census Bureau states, “We strongly encourage all residents to cooperate with Census workers on the 2010 Census and with ongoing surveys so that the Census Bureau can provide the most complete picture possible of what our cities, towns and neighborhoods need.
“Residents are encouraged to participate in any Census surveys they are selected for including the 2010 Census. If a resident doesn’t return their form, they will receive a follow up visit by an enumerator who will try to collect data in person.”
Jerry Day of Matrix News Network has posted a video on YouTube called the “Census is getting personal.”
While the Constitution provides for enumeration every 10 years, Day asks where the Census Bureau derives its authority to collect information every year and from where it derives the authority to demand private information.
He says the 10-year Census is “a little personal,” while the year-round surveys are “very personal.”
Day says, “The Census Department wants us to think we have some duty to cooperate with them, sort of like jury duty.”
But Day has more questions for the Census worker who may come to the door than they might have for him, including:
• Do current levels of data collection violate the 14th Amendment?
• How will home’s GPS coordinates be used?
• How can the Census Bureau claim data security with any confidence?
• Is the Census Bureau responsible for mishandled data?
Is there any reason why people should provide personal information to a complete stranger that arrives at their door?
Who actually does the background checks on the thousands of workers newly hired to perform the Decennial Census?
Did they do as poorly a job as the federal government did with Mary Afolobi?
Last week’s reports about Mary Afolobi reveal that is not her real name.
While her real name remains a mystery, Afolobi was arrested last week in Douglas County, Ga.
Afolobi, who is from Nigeria, illegally entered the United States, assumed someone else’s identity and subsequently was granted citizenship under that name.
Once a citizen, Afolobi was able to procure employment with the postal service as a mail carrier and began stealing identities of people on her mail route.
Afolobi started a used car lot business and used the stolen identities to apply for loans to buy cars from her car lot.
Apparently there were never any used cars and none of the loans were legitimate.
Investigators stated they found no evidence any business was ever conducted at the car lot’s location on Bankhead Highway.
Authorities declined to say how long the yet-to-be-identified Afolobi’s scheme had been going on or how many victims it involved, citing it was an ongoing federal investigation.
If this is the scrutiny given to applicants for both citizenship and the postal service, the amount of scrutiny given to the mass hiring of thousands of Census workers is highly questionable.
These are the people the federal government claims will safeguard your personal information.
Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states, “The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.”
Christopher Earl Strunk, who is challenging the Census in federal court, believes everyone should write on their Census form that they are either a citizen or resident alien and stated the only “tourists at will” that should be counted at all, and for the purpose of distributing money, not representation, are illegal aliens serving jail or prison time.
According to Strunk, those are the only “tourists at will” legally domiciled in this country.