And the winner is ...
By Linda Bentley | March 10, 2010
Unofficial election results indicate Carefree Mayor Schwan has clearly retained his seat on council in the volatile recall election against challenger John Traynor by a vote of 807 to 565 (58.61 percent to 41.03 percent). The March 9 election drew out the highest participation in Carefree’s history with 1,377 ballots cast, including five votes cast for unofficial write-in candidates. The official canvass of the election results will take place at a special Carefree Town Council meeting at 3 p.m. on March 16.
The Deer Valley Unified School District’s request for a budget override was defeated on Tuesday by a vote of 9,943 to 12,570 (44.17 percent to 55.83 percent).
Carefree Recall Election Official Results (Updated March 15, 2010)
David Schwan 878 58.26%
John Traynor 624 41.41%
Total Ballots Cast: 1,513
Number of Registered Voters
as of March 1, 2010: 2,649
Turnout as of March 9, 2010: 57%
Republican Professionals surprises SN publisher with 'Patriot Award'
By Linda Bentley
March 10, 2010
SCOTTSDALE – Sonoran News Publisher/Editor Don Sorchych was surprised when Ryan Ducharme of Republican Professionals presented him with its 'Patriot Award' in “recognition of 16 years of Conservative Newspaper Excellence.” More...
Hot Dog Guy has new view location
By Linda Bentley | March 10, 2010
Magic Bird appropriates old high-visibility corner
CAVE CREEK – Last week, Jerry Vicena, AKA the Hot Dog Guy, was able to negotiate a new location in the parking lot of the stone-clad restaurant site on the hill along Cave Creek Road, overlooking the mountains and the rest of Stagecoach Village below.
CCUSD mopping up everything but its IRS violations
By Linda Bentley | March 10, 2010
Nearly six months later, district still hasnít resolved bond problem
CCUSD – Back in September 2009, Sonoran News reported Cave Creek Unified School District taxpayers were repaying $15 million in bonds approved by voters in 2000 for the purpose of building a new high school. The CCUSD Governing Board voted to issue the bonds in September 2006, only because they would have expired and they had little hope voters would approve another bond measure anytime soon. More...
'Change' Congress in 2010
March 10, 2010
Scottsdale, Carefree and Cave Creek Tea Party; March 27, 3:30 p.m. at the Carefree Resort
CAREFREE – America needs your help! Now more than ever, we must help preserve America, our constitution, our freedoms and liberties. Spread the word to friends, family and coworkers about the upcoming North Scottsdale Tea Party. Let them know how important it is to join with others who are concerned and alarmed about uncontrolled spending and the staggering national debt. Together we will send a strong message to the people representing us at all levels of government. More...
Carefree balks at Cave Creek's rate increase
for CAP water
By Linda Bentley | March 10, 2010
'Perhaps it is appropriate at this time to terminate or amend the existing contract ...'
CAREFREE – On March 1, Cave Creek Utilities Manager Jessica Marlow sent a letter to Stan Francom, general manager, Carefree Water Company, for the purpose of informing him that Cave Creek intends to increase the charges for treated Central Arizona Project (CAP) water delivered to Carefree Water Company based on the Agreement for Treatment and Transportation of CAP Water. More...
Obama conspiracy – It's no longer just a theory
By Linda Bentley | March 3, 2010
ARLINGTON, Va. – On Sept. 7, 2008, Barack Hussein Obama appeared on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” and stated, “I had to sign up for Selective Service (SS) when I graduated from high school … And I actually always thought of the military as an ennobling and, you know, honorable option. But keep in mind that I graduated in 1979. The Vietnam War had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue.” More ...