Mullet Over
Do you know anyone "afflicted" with sinistrality?
By James K. White | March 10, 2010

Records indicate that the first time the word “robot” appeared in print was in a play (1921) by Karel Capek called Rossum’s Universal Robots. In what is likely an unrelated matter: one bluefin tuna was recently sold for $177,000 at the Tokyo Tsukiji (pronounced “Tsukiji”) Market. A few decades back, the bluefin was held in such low esteem that its flesh was used as filler in cat food. Increased demands for sushi dramatically changed that scene.
Folks can get peculiar notions. For instance, some guy in 5th century Syria decided that living on top of a stone pillar was “his thing.” The man spent 39 years in all kinds of weather living on and never leaving his chosen pillar before becoming bored with the gig and climbing down. Someone was obviously impressed as the man is now referred to as “St. Simeon.”
For you TV commercial fans: the actress who portrays Flo, the Progressive Insurance lady, is Stephanie Courtney. The voice of the Geico Gecko is provided by Jake Wood.
The Pantanal Swamp (mostly in Brazil) covers at least 57,000 square miles, which is an area larger than England. Also in Brazil was located the largest and heaviest snake in-the-wild for which there is credible dimension evidence. The snake was measured in 1960 at just over 27 feet and weighed a verified 500 lbs. How would you like to find that creature as you picked tomatoes?
Procrastinating readers in Salt Lake City beware. Anyone not returning a library book within five days of the due date stamped on a receipt can be subject to one month in jail and a fine of one hundred dollars. (Chapter 10.48.010) The punishment might seem a wee bit harsh.
Do you know anyone “afflicted” with sinistrality? That is the scientific term for being left-handed.
“Quebec” is the Frenchified word for the Algonquin “kebek.” Kebek means straight or narrow and was in reference to a local stretch of the St. Lawrence River. Apparently explorer Samuel de Champlain constructed the current Quebec spelling in 1613.
In 2005 JAL (Japanese Airlines) mechanics discovered that two of the engines on one of its jets had been placed on the wrong sides. The “left” and “right” engines had been placed right and left which caused both to thrust in slightly improper directions. More than 400 flights were safely completed prior to the discovery of the errors.
Well, contemplate consequences prior to moving onto a stone pillar and – have a great week.

These classifieds actually ran in a Minneapolis newspaper - a smile
for your day ...
8-years old. Hateful little bastard. Bites!
FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog.
Mother, AKC German Shepherd.
Father, Super Dog – able to leap tall fences in a single bound.
FOUND DIRTY WHITE DOG. Looks like a rat. Been out a while.
Better be a big reward.
Also 1 gay bull for sale.
$300 Hardly used, call Chubby.
California grown - 89 cents/lb.
JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer $300.
Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie.
And the best one?:
FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000 or best offer. No longer needed, Got married last month. Husband knows everything.

Horoscope by Madame Bournard
ARIES (MAR. 21 - APRIL 19)
Mars, your ruling planet, promotes pleasure this week. Someone may present an idea that agitates you, but you will see a clearer, brighter future ahead.
TAURUS (APR. 20 – MAY 20)
A new family plan or possibility for improving a child’s welfare may be in the process. Relationships may be on the verge of a change. There is hope for something better in your life.
Ingenuity in your job is a great gift to your sign; it helps you stay afloat in many instances where others fail. There may be some sensitivity or incompatibility within a relationship – tread lightly.
Matters of the heart take a leap, you just don’t know if it is the “right leap” until it’s behind you. A social buzz may be in the air. Stay in the loop with important things around you.
LEO (JULY 23- SEPT. 22)
It may be good not to spend money you don’t need to spend! You want to do something for yourself for a change, but be careful of the extent to which you treat yourself.
VIRGO (AUG. 23 –AUG 22)
If you feel like a new plan or activity, this may be the time to get started. You may receive new financial information – some may be good, some a bit unsettling.
LIBRA (SEPT. 24- OCT.23)
Pay attention to what is going on around you; don’t keep your head in the sand. New possibilities may be ahead for you and your family. Strive to accomplish important things that will benefit you tomorrow.
SCORPIO (OCT. 23- NOV. 21)
You’re feeling a much-needed renewal of interest in a goal you abandoned a while back. This is a good thing because it will help you promote yourself and rapidly advance your future.
You may have battles ahead of you to overcome. They may concern some legal fights or high profile studies – bringing bold courage and unforeseen possibilities into your life.
Your desires may have the upper hand this week, so don’t let up until you fulfill your experiential needs. There may be some underlying tension within your family.
You don’t need to be pushed around at this time of your life. Your communication can be tense with people around you; beware of a masked agenda by someone close.
PISCES (FEB. 19- MAR. 20)
There is no time like the present to delve into things you want to accomplish at home. Tackle things in which you don’t have to share the spotlight. It is time to be low key.