Your View | March 3 - 16, 2010
Kudos to the sports talking head who, exhibiting both anatomical and mathematical expertise, stated during Thursday night's women's snowboard half-pipe event, "When they come down, they do it with the left foot or the right foot pointing ahead." Ya think?
Limerick for the Panty Bomber:
He wore his new Fruit of the Loom,
While plotting America's doom:
Of this story the best is
He charcoaled his testes
When the charge in his skivvies went Boom.
Becky Fenger (Editorial 2/17-23) as usual was right on in pointing out to the naysayers the significant reduction of homicides and violent crime we have experienced nationwide during the last few years. With respect to the cause of this, however, she missed one of the major contributors – the fact our laws have been changing for the better with respect to personal self-defense. As a result, millions of law abiding Americans have been arming themselves with handguns both in the home and on their person telling criminals to think twice before they prey on an armed citizen.
Apparently in support of Mayor Schwan PAC ID # 2009-05 (no individuals' names shown) recently mailed out a copy of an area newspaper opinion. The opinion piece noted the sole contribution to the mayor's own committee was his own money. It appears that support for the mayor is very thin.
Was the council vote to offer Mariscal, Weeks a new contract legal if the four council members who voted yes had private meetings with Gary Birnbaum prior to the vote – Mayor Francia, Ralph Mozilo, Dick Esser and Adam Trenk? Adam Trenk is also a student taking classes from Gary Birnbaum. If a legal opinion is needed to validate this vote it should not come from Mariscal, Weeks.
What is that little crowd complaining about that is harassing Sonoran News? I have read dozens of community newspapers in my life and the paper presents a balanced view of what is going on in CCUSD. I wonder if the critics ever read the sports page written by Pete Mohr, one of the best sportswriters I have ever read. There is positive school stuff in every issue. But it is obvious the Carefree crowd of good old boys and some of my Kiwanis friends are the ones who goad the kids.
Shari Jo and Don, my heartfelt concern for both of you as you transition to a new direction for Sonoran News. Every Thursday morning I am at the computer reading the newspaper and I appreciate the openness in which you provide information to your reading audience. Many of the articles in the paper have been shared with friends because I feel they were of significant value (Obama's legal right to be president). In addition, God Bless America provides laughter, the stress reliever we all need in these trying times. I wish you continued success with the direction you have chosen. God Bless You.
Of course Susan Vanik is outraged. In her defense, she hasn't lived in Carefree long enough to fully understand all the circumstances. In her place, I would be outraged too if I were clueless.
Maricopa County Elections Dept. states 1080 ballots received so far in mayoral recall, representing almost 87 percent of Carefree residents who voted in the March 2009 primary election (1244). If the only chance for the mayor to survive is with a low turnout, his prognosis is grim.
By all reports, Cave Creek Town Council members Esser, Mozilo, Francia and Trenk love large law firms but don’t understand the most basic precepts of business, so let me offer them a couple of hints: 1) Large firms have a large ‘nut’ to make every month and 2) Large law firms have a huge ‘nut’ to make every month. Those boys need to try to figure it out from there. Heck, maybe it doesn’t matter anyway as it is not their money they are spending.
I just finished reading Shari Jo Sorchych’s guest editorial in which she talks about Sonoran News is a good neighbor with a good conscience and a strong community service voice. Her editorial really stressed the community service aspect of our great community of Cave Creek and Carefree. To people who don’t know Don, have never met him and have just read the paper, and have occasional complaints about his political points of view or his zealousness in going after some corporations or politicians, I’d like to relate a personal experience of Don’s strong community service conscience. When I first arrived in Cave Creek I had lost a job and was going through an extraordinarily difficult time, which didn’t last long, but Don extended himself in so many ways to help me meet my most basic needs. My fortunes changed within three months of my arrival and I was able to give back to the organizations that helped me. I would like people to know that Don is a very kind, decent human being who lives his own values.
Mr. Ralph Mozilo, a Cave Creek Councilman, says the outside law firm representing Cave Creek is going to report directly to and be managed by the town council. He would be well advised to study Board, Commission and Council organizations across the country to understand they have staff to manage such affairs and for good reason. Despite the astounding skills Mr. Mozilo and others believe they bring to the table, it’s no secret how inept and goofy these elected and appointed bodies can be.