Come witness a real Wild West shoot-out
Winter Range starts today, Wednesday, Feb. 24

February 24, 2010

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The wild, wild West is knocking on north Phoenix’s doorsteps for five straight days at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility.

More than 600+ men, women and juniors with names like Blackjack Zak, Nine Toe Joe, Lightnin’ Rick, Holden A. Grudge, Sixgun Shorty, Evil Roy, Holy Terror, and Wicked Felina will be dressed from head-to-toe in old West cowboy getups, slinging single action revolvers, lever action rifles and old time shotguns.

Once again, the Arizona Territorial Company of Rough Riders will host the 19th annual National Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting for the Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), Feb. 24-28 and the public is invited to take in this crowd-pleasing spectacle. Daily event hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. except on Sunday, which is 8 a.m. to noon. Admission is free, but a $5 parking fee will be collected.

The competitions are also staged in the nostalgic Old West style including western facades of old forts, and salons transporting participants and spectators back in time to the early 19th Century. In timed events, shooters test their skills shooting at steel targets that give off a resounding “clang” when hit.

Spectators will get the look and feel of the merchants of old through vendors purveying everything from period clothing to antiques and reproductions, and displays of period militaria. Entertainment will be readily available in the form of a number of singers, cowboy bands, trick roping, and various other forms of cowboy entertainment. Varieties of food services are also available.

Proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Wounded Warriors Project. This incredible organization’s purpose is to help severely injured members of our armed forces aid and assist each other, and to provide unique direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.

While in the shooting areas, spectators will be required to wear eye protection (sunglasses and corrective glasses are acceptable) and ear protection is strongly suggested, especially for children.

The Ben Avery Shooting Facility is located in north Phoenix on Carefree Highway just west of I-17 (Exit 223).

Y’all come out now, ya hear.
For more information about Winter Range, visit