Your View | February 3 - 9, 2010

The front page photos of the flood damage in the Jan. 27 issue of Sonoran News were astounding. Even more amazing was the photo of the Canyon Creek Road clearing. An incredible amount of earth was moved by the flood water. Where it was deposited was equally incredible.

Mr. Gimson appears confused. The issue is not about the Caring Corp. (which we all support), it is about incompetence and illegal activity. David Schwan knowingly ignored a vote of the council to not support any charity at this time. More importantly he actually violated AZ Statute. Schwan has violated just about everything; laws, citizen rights and even his oath of office. Is there anything even left for him to violate?

Regarding Seeking Answers in ‘Going Rogue,’ I'd heard from people who have read this book, it was nothing more than a blame game by the former governor for her failure to help John McCain in his presidential bid. I would like to thank Ms. Sorchych for confirming these views and saving me the exorbitant cost of this book. I've always felt that while Ms. Palin has the ability to excite an audience, her limited knowledge of key issues and obvious lack of basic facts turned voters away from not only her but, more importantly, Senator McCain.

I have to ask if the house that was hanging over the edge of the wash on the front page of the paper last week is still there or if it slid down the embankment? My prayers go out to the people who own the property.
Editor’s note: It is still there.

The March recall vote on Mayor Schwan will be a key indicator of any remaining strength of the nearly defunct good old boy political crowd. Only a die-hard loyalist GOB voter will support the mayor. Control of Carefree soon will be in the hands of its citizens. I submit the new mayor should promptly and thoroughly clean house with the town staff.

In a recent PAC ID# 2009-05 propaganda mailing from Phoenix Sonoran News was misidentified as "The Sonoran News." The letter urged "Defeat the Recall," rather than trying to find something positive in the mayor's record. I submit the piece should have read, "Keep the Good Old Boys in Power by Voting for the Mayor."

Just got the latest PAC propaganda telling me how financially solvent Carefree is. Three of these people don't even go to meetings. The other one prattles on and on about making nice to each other. Ned Dobak still uses his fingers and toes to count! I should trust these people to know Carefree's finances? With backing like that, no wonder Schwan can't make a decision.

Although he doesn’t write often, Bob Williams of Cave Creek has a down to earth, honest view of the situations that arise in our local area. Kudos to Bob! Thank you for taking time to express your thoughts.

With respect to the Your View comment by the person who recently attempted to walk down Easy Street in Carefree only to be confronted by the need to pay a $3 fee? Guess what? Now if you want to go the Thieves Market in Cave Creek you have to pay $1 to get in. It also appears they will be trying to get people to pay $1 twice a month to look at merchandise they might want to buy. They can keep their “treasures.” People who are heavily involved with this should probably find another line of work.

I’m not really into politics, but I’m puzzled by the “excelling” designation thrown around by Arizona schools. I’m from Illinois and either the students do extremely well on their SATs and other standard measurements or they aren’t competitive, but there isn’t some artificial, meaningless façade.