‘We believed it and then achieved it!’
By Pete Mohr | February 3, 2010

That was Spirit Line Head Coach Rika Cuff’s proud identification of her Competitive Cheer squad’s motto that inspired them to their unprecedented fifth consecutive A.I.A. Cheerleading championship, Saturday, Jan. 30, at Tim’s Toyota Center, Prescott Valley, Ariz.
With solid performances, Pom and Stunt earned 2nd Place recognition. (Tucson) Sabino, 2nd in Cheerleading, won the combined A.I.A. “Spirit Line” Championship, ending the Lady Falcons’ four-year reign.
“All our girls were amazing!” Coach Cuff praised. “Coach Knuteson and I couldn’t be prouder of them.”
From Sonoran News: “Five in a Row! Way-To-Go!” ~ Pete Mohr
Meet the Basketball Falcon seniors … Ryan Robinson
By Pete Mohr | February 3, 2010

Several weeks later in our interview for this profile, “Alaska,” (his preferred nickname), the biggest Falcon (at 6’6”, 250 lbs.), topped himself by recalling that in his very first playing time as a Falcon sophomore under then JV Coach Tyler Dummett, he rushed onto the court without checking in with the referee, drawing a technical foul!
Readers may have guessed that his nickname, bestowed upon him as a DAMS 8th grader playing CCCYF, is an almost natural result of being born March 6, 1992 in … where else? … Anchorage, Alaska. His parents are Robert Robinson, from north Scottsdale, and Vancouver, Wash. resident Elena Robinson.
Despite Head Football Coach Chad DeGrenier’s understandable attempts to “recruit” him, Ryan elected to stick with basketball. “I love basketball!” he told Sonoran News. “I’ve worked as hard as I could, on and off the court. I’m very proud that I’ve reached my goal of making Varsity.” He allowed himself to “dream” that his size might start him in his senior season. That didn’t happen. “So I was hoping I would become Kyle’s (Gunter) back-up,” he continued. That didn’t happen, either. “Obviously, I’d like to be playing more, but I’ve learned to make the best of what I’ve got.” As he nears his 18th birthday, how’s that for an invaluable “life lesson?”
The “best” is yet to come for “Alaska.” He and his best friend and CSHS classmate, Tyler Smothermon, have been admitted early to Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, Okla.), the alma mater of his paternal grandparents, Robert and Marjorie Robinson, and his dad. Ryan will study to become a veterinarian.
“Alaska” Robinson, your spirit is as big as the biggest state you’re nicknamed for. Don’t ever lose it!