Waring takes up the entire ‘Senators Section’
By Linda Bentley | January 13, 2010
CAVE CREEK – Sen. Jim Waring, R-Dist. 7, known to make early appearances at Cave Creek Town Council meetings, often asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and then disappear shortly thereafter, had an entire section of the council chambers to himself during the short, sparsely-attended council meeting on Monday. Someone jokingly dubbed where he was seated the “Senators Section.”
In less than 10-minutes, council voted unanimously to approve the second reading of an ordinance to delete Chapter 50.016 pertaining to wastewater repayment provisions in its entirety and approve the appointment of Kathryn Schmitt as a Cave Creek representative to the Water Advisory Committee and Paul Salmonson in an alternate position representing Cave Creek.
Since the Jan. 11 meeting was the first council meeting of year, only time will tell if, at 9 minutes, it will hold the record for being the shortest.