The Association of Pet Dog Trainers declares January
‘National Train Your Dog Month!’
January 6, 2010

The APDT is planning a variety of events in January 2010 to celebrate National Train Your Dog Month. It is our hope the everyday dog owners will visit the event web site so they can see how easy and fun training can be, and how patience, consistency and a deeper understanding of their dog’s behavior can lead to happier, healthier and harmonious households. We have covered a wide range of topics so pet owners will recognize themselves and their dogs. We will provide a great deal of information that will help using kind, gentle methods with an emphasis on building your relationships with your dogs.
In addition the APDT has more than 5000 members who are willing and able to help dog owners who need help with their dogs. If there is one thing current television shows about dog training have taught the public it’s that there are solutions to help dogs with behavior problems and there are alternatives to try before giving up your dog.

Our web site content will include contests winners from our membership, downloadable handouts on training, and regular updates on Facebook at and Twitter at with fun ideas and tips on how to train your dog. APDT members nationwide will help promote the event and focus on bringing awareness to their own home towns.
Please join the APDT in celebrating National Train Your Dog Month! For more information about APDT visit