Letter to our advertisers
This letter will be sent to all current and future advertisers
You may receive threats from people who are asserting Sonoran News is “negative” about CCUSD matters. They have been joined by political pressure groups from Carefree.
First of all, award winning Sonoran News is only ‘guilty’ of factual and quality reporting as well as thoughtful editorials.
So far, these people have threatened to boycott companies which advertise in Sonoran News.
There is a legal principle called “Tortious Interference With Contract.”
According to Harper Law PLC, “A contract, in its simplest terms, is a written or oral agreement between two or more people. Most people understand that a party to a contract may be liable if they fail to live up to their contractual obligations. It is also true, however, that if a third party interferes with the parties’ contractual expectations, the third party may be liable based on his or her interference with the contract.”
All Sonoran News advertisers are protected by this law and given sufficient information we will sue any and all transgressors for damages.
Please contact your advertising representative if you are threatened and provide information, especially the identity of the individual or organization.
Don Sorchych
Misdirected protest shoots messenger, disregards facts
By Linda Bentley | November 25, 2009
Adults teach students name-calling, vindictive behavior and disrespect for the First Amendment whenever they disagree
CCUSD – A.J. Davis, a 14-year-old freshman at Cactus Shadows High School, sent out an e-mail early last week stating she was seeking support on an issue she feels “very passionate about.”
A.J. Davis (r), a 14-year-old Cactus Shadows High School freshman, took credit for organizing last Thursday’s protest against Sonoran News because she doesn’t agree with its coverage of the Cave Creek Unified School District.
Photo by Linda Bentley
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Williams City Manager Dennis Wells retires,
to Cave Creek
By Linda Bentley | November 25, 2009
CAVE CREEK – After nearly eight years as city manager of Williams, Dennis Wells has retired and returned to Cave Creek, his home since 1995.
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Schwan recall certified, voters to decide March 9
By Linda Bentley | November 25, 2009
CAREFREE – On Nov. 17, after Town Clerk Betsy Wise invalidated 10 of the 406 recall petition signatures for the recall of David Schwan, Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell certified the remaining 396 signatures less an additional 16, which the county found not to be qualified electors at the time of signing, for a total of 380 valid signatures.
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Catching the sunset
At about 4:20 p.m. on Nov. 14, 17 year-old Evan Willis took this bobcat photo at his home in Tatum Ranch. They jumped from the natural desert wash behind the home onto the cement wall and walked back and forth. They seemed to enjoy the sun setting and only stayed a few minutes, probably because they heard the family dogs barking from safely inside the house.
Click here for more of Willis’ bobcat photos