Christina ‘Tina’ Luddy reaches out to those considering change
By Curtis Riggs | July 29, 2009
Personal coach focuses on positive during transitions
CAVE CREEK – Personal coach Christina "Tina" Luddy is helping many people transition into other careers and find happiness that eluded them for decades.
She decided to shift the focus of her Christina Luddy Leadership Consulting business away from the corporate environment because the challenging economy has required many people to make face making a change. She found the work in the corporate arena was largely personal.
A constant throughout her work in examining people's lives in both the corporate and personal worlds is people tend to talk more freely about what they don't like, and don't want, than what they desire.
Her advice to people wanting to make a career or lifestyle change is to "get clear.
"Often we are clear only about what we don't want. We're actually programmed to notice negative aspects, rather than their positive replacements," she said. "The next time you listen to a friend describe a change they want, notice how much of the discussion revolves around the unwanted aspects."
She freely admits this personal trait may seem "off course" to many people.
"The lack of clarity is one of the major obstacles to making successful life changes," she said. "When a person is ready to make a change, they need to take the time to get clear on the positive aspects, the details of their desired future state."
Since she changed her focus to helping people with personal changes she has helped one woman achieve her dream of becoming a drama teacher, another one transition into a new career after a layoff and a woman find a meaningful relationship, which had eluded her for her whole life.
Many of the clients she now sees are interested in receiving support. "They now see support as a benefit and it is worthwhile to get help," she said.
She uses coaching techniques with her clients while they are trying to make clear, specific changes in their lives.
She is offering free 30-minute sessions to people who are considering her services.
For information visit
Burned by SPF?
July 29, 2009

“Using sunscreen with a high SPF is not an excuse to stay out in the sun longer,” said Dr. George Reizner, dermatology professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, on the newest products touting very high SPFs.
“It’s dangerous to rely on numbers alone since SPF is only part of the story.”
Current sunscreen manufacturers are required only to label products for the amount of UVB protection they provide. UVB is ultraviolet (UV) light which commonly causes sun tanning and burns. Reizner says the SPF number does not make clear if it also blocks UVA, light that penetrates deeper into the skin.
Both UVA and UVB cause skin aging and can lead to skin cancer. Newer products do offer “broad spectrum” protection with better UVA blocking, but they still remain less effective compared to how they block UVB.
Add to this the increasing SPF numbers advertised and the public can be confused.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a four-star rating system to tell consumers about the amount of UVA protection in each product. The FDA also is considering a 50 SPF limit on sunscreen products.
“The marketing of high-number SPF products is a commercial race for bragging rights and promoting more product sales,” says Reizner, who is a practicing dermatologist. “Higher numbers are not necessarily meaningful and do not offer perfect protection.”
“Sunscreens are just one leg of the table,” said Reizner. “You also should consider your skin type, which type of sunscreen is appropriate for your skin, the clothes you’ll be wearing, the time of day, family history of sun damage and skin cancer, and if you’re taking medications that make you light-sensitive.”
In addition, Reizner warns sunbathers and swimmers not to have a false sense of security by using products labeled “waterproof.” He says while many products are water-resistant, none are truly waterproof. Reizner recommends frequently reapplying sunscreen regardless of the company’s use directions.
So, what should the careful sunscreen-shopper look for? Reizner recommends products with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and those with protection from both UVB and UVA radiation.
“We’re living longer and the accumulative effects of sun exposure are creating a skin cancer epidemic, especially melanoma,” said Reizner.