Guest Editorial: John Traynor
Icebergs and Government
By John Traynor | May 6, 2009
What could they possibly have in common? In school we were taught that an iceberg’s mass is mostly hidden below the waterline; experts say two thirds or more. If you are like most folks, you are surely aware of the icebergs that have surfaced in the U.S. and World economies. Most of us, including the ‘experts,’ saw just the tip of the iceberg. A brief look at your retirement portfolio, bank account, or the current home values in your neighborhood, would be unhappily illuminating. The situation is not a Republican or a Democratic challenge; it is a people challenge that must be addressed at all levels of government. Neither Carefree nor Cave Creek are immune to the economic stress felt by millions of Americans.
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Guest Editorial: Jim Bruce & Thomas McGuire
Vote for the future of Cave Creek
By Jim Bruce & Thomas McGuire | May 6, 2009
Prior to the election, and the results, it is a good time to thank all of those who have supported our candidacy. We appreciate the endorsements of Mayor Vincent Francia, our first elected Mayor Jackie Davis, members of the current council, the newly elected council members, Sonoran News and Don Sorchych, the Arizona Republic and our friends and neighbors. This show of support has been gratifying.
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