Your View | April 15 – 21, 2009

Some weeks ago I watched my neighbor’s girl play softball at a North Phoenix High School. On the way in we passed the tennis courts and about 10 or so Phoenix Firefighters were playing some serious tennis. The ladder truck was parked nearby (just in case) and those guys were pretty darn good. Throw in the health club and that's good work if you can get it.

The protest (April 19 Tea Party) includes some great points to be made, but I thought I better point out "ABSOLUTELY NO DEFENSE CUTS" should be added to the list – our country is already financially defenseless, there's absolutely no reason to add military defenselessness to the threats jeopardizing our freedoms. Not to mention that defense cuts would not only cost another 90,000 jobs, but also betray the overseas troops and completely negate the sacrifices brought by our veterans in defense of our constitution.

If the jackass in the Oval Office had spent more time reading and studying American History and less time memorizing Mao's "Little Red Book" he may actually have learned something about the underpinnings and founding of OUR country. Not a Christian or Judeo nation? This guy is as dumb as they come. Obama = Chavez = Marxists

Appreciated the April Fools edition. There was an element of truth in every article and the family had belly laughs. But after laughter we wondered when we would see it all as factual. You guys are prescient!

Damn fly, damn zip code, damn Big Foot, damned T***y Bar and damned Obama. Guess you got it all! We loved it!

If an ILLEGAL ALIEN can work here by using a stolen Social Security Number, then I wonder how many are claiming unemployment with that same Social Security Number?

At the risk of being redundant, Carefree should set a responsible example (set aside greed) and reject this stimuli (regardless of the strings) and not even think about embracing this government's way of thinking – our children will be paying for this government's "bail out" for a very long time. As a society, rejecting government intervention (when it is not absolutely necessary) makes sense and reinforces the basics of a free market economy. Carefree has a surplus budget; we do not need (or want) Big Brother's involvement.

Enjoyed My View about unions in general and Rural/Metro specifically. I too started my working life as a card carrying union member and it only took a few months before I got fed up, quit, and headed west. Thankfully I am retired from the electrical business and never had to genuflect to union goons. Wish I had known Rural/Metro was unionized before I signed for another year of “protection,” which you are telling me is myth. Live and learn and thank you.

I am a big fan of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and want to thank Michelle Dallacrose for her letter last week. It is time to hear the truth side and not the rant from the pink rag downtown. Joe is right, it is about democratic politics and he has done nothing wrong. Phoenix’s Mayor (Phil) Gordon is nothing more than a stooge and I have harsher words for Congress members and so-called race leaders who are themselves racist. I hope to see more coverage in Sonoran News.

I am waiting for the topless bar! They could count on my business in either town and I’m sure it would be a winner. If we don’t do it we are led by a bunch of blue noses who would rather bankrupt than think a little outside the box.

Cave Creek needs to seriously stop talking about our own zip code and get it done. We have a right to have statistics which are accurate and share the pride among ourselves. If the rest of 85331 don’t like it I say, tough, get over it!

In my neighborhood we are feeling the effects of reduced road maintenance. We not only have a washboard road but deep pot holes as well. I hope my truck can take it until Cave Creek is back on a normal maintenance schedule. But isn’t that why we pay taxes?

The coyotes are on the prowl. I had my dog attacked twice on a walk and it was scary. They almost got him and seemed to think about it before they slunk away as I screamed and threw rocks. I think Carefree needs some form of animal control although my complaints only drew yawns. Wonder what they will think if I shoot the predators?

I hope you Obama supporters are waking up. This dude will kill this country as will the crooks he put in office. Can you people read? Even your metro papers are waking to the deeper chasm he is leading us into. Can anyone say, “IMPEACH?”