Report calls for subdivision improvements by end of 2009
By Curtis Riggs | September 3, 2008
Gold Mountain road to be improved by Dec. 31, 2009
MARICOPA COUNTY – The Arizona Department of Real Estate’s Public Report for the Gold Mountain large-lot subdivision on Continental Mountain calls for the road up the mountain and the associated infrastructure to be completed by the end of 2009.
“It certainly reads that way,” Realtor Joanne Eannacone said. She was surprised a completion date for the road and infrastructure was listed in the public report, which was released mid-last week.
The public report states escrow on any of the 12 lots, which range in size from 36 to 45 acres, cannot close until the road and utility improvements are completed.
“They are most certainly moving ahead,” Eannacone said. “Everything will be done on their timeframe.”
Engineers are now getting bids from companies to improve and widen the road to 18 feet. Conduit for electrical and other services will be built into the road.
“Subdivider will complete the paved private roadway, including guardrails in portions as required, by Dec. 31, 2009,” the report states. “The private roadway will be accepted for maintenance by the Gold Mountain Community Association, Inc., upon completion. Costs to purchasers will be included in the Homeowners’ Association fees.”
The report also states the underlying zoning on the 457 acres is 190,000 square feet (five acre) per Maricopa County requirements. Eannacone, however, said the CCRs for the property call for no lots to be smaller than 36 acres. If property owners vote to change the CCRs at some point, lots could then be split into smaller parcels.
The public report clearly states that if water wells on the lots do not provide enough water refunds will not be given on purchases of the properties. A certificate of an assured 100-year water supply is not required because the subdivision is not subject to typical subdivision rules.
“No report has been prepared and the availability of water is unknown,” is in bold and capital letters in the report.
The same warning is included in the report if individual wastewater treatment systems do not work on the lots.
“The subdivider advises that if an individual sewage disposal system cannot be installed, the parcel purchaser will not be offered a refund of the purchase price,” the report states.
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