Your View | August 20 – 26, 2008
I love what you are doing on the front page. I think you should keep it up, what I don't understand is why there's not more support by the sheriff's dept. since we are patrolled by them up here. Have you ever gotten a statement from Joe?
Ed. Note: Not yet, but stay tuned.
What do we want from the new Scottsdale Mayor? There is little question, but we do not want Manross and her 'Vision'. This has brought us ever so close to bankruptcy, while continuing to spend on ill conceived projects, turgid social efforts and smarmy influence peddlers.
In the August Carefree Cares propaganda sheet Councilman Schwan asks for input on how to meet citizens' public transportation needs. I propose that each councilman donate one hour each week to drive anybody wherever she wants to go. It seems to me that is very little to ask of them. Then the town can reimburse them, say, $0.29 per mile.
Thanks for Linda Bentley’s articles concerning the recent Cave Creek council meeting. I was called out of town on a business emergency or I would have been there to cheer Usama, who is standout among town managers. His front page picture says it all, a real and deserved happy face. Glad to see Meeth and Lopez get their comeuppance and I can’t wait to vote against them. The naysayers? Go back to where you came from; your goals are clear and self-serving. You go USAMA! (My teen age daughter added the last sentence.)
Last week, former president Bill Clinton represented the USA at an AIDS conference in Mexico City. Who better than our priapic prez to delve into matters sexual?
Thank goodness the residents of Cave Creek will have an opportunity to vote on the needed general plan and zoning changes on the southeast corner of Cave Creek Road and Carefree Highway. In my view Wal-Mart would not be knocking on the door without the approval of town officials. Do they really want to trade lower area property values and a dramatically different Cave Creek character in exchange for sales tax dollars?
Cave Creek's Citizens Fire Coverage Advisory Committee is studying what to do about the town's fire protection. While the possibilities are few and obvious, the committee is dallying rather than coming up with a recommendation before next year's mayor and council election. Serious fires rarely occur in this area; when they do by the time Rural/Metro arrives all that is left to do is water down the destroyed structure. Rural/Metro's major value is keeping insurance rates down.
A president's pension currently is $191,300 per year, until he is 80 years old. Assuming the next president lives to age 80, Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president. Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms and would receive $4,973,800 in pension. Therefore it would certainly make economic sense to elect Mc Cain in November. How's that for non partisan thinking?
Isn't it a shame that the media in Phoenix is monopolized by Gannett. They own USA TODAY, The AZ Republic, La Voz, and even Channel 12! Phoenix needs a second newspaper, completely detached from this monopoly which has a liberal agenda such as catering to illegal aliens and inventing policies that prevent reporters from using the correct terminology "Illegal Alien.”
Councilperson Grace Meeth demonstrated again in the August 4th town council meeting that she is in it only for herself. She voted against the ratification of her own stupid open meeting law violation when it was taken to protect the town. Nice going, Grace.
Wow! What a council meeting on August 4. Gil Lopez’s performance was kind of sad. Gil, find a way to really enjoy your retirement. Grace Meeth of the Dark Side was nastier than ever. Grace, just go away.
If you are on your cell phone it is POLITE not to be on it while checking out. YOU know who you are. All of you are rude …what did we do before cell phones? We were courteous to those who were checking us out at the registers or taking coffee orders, etc. Please get off your phone for minute or two. And to those who talk so loud, we aren't interested in hearing your conversation.
This puts things into perspective … short and sweet summary! John McCain: 26 years in Congress and 22 years military. Barrack Obama: 143 days in Congress, 0 military.
I like to thank you (again) for supplying me week after week with a laugh…or two. It's amazing what the Editorial Staff writes and what the every-day-Joe out on the street is thinking about. It's like a throw-back to my grand parents time in the Ole South!
Sonoran News reported, "Carefree Assistant Town Clerk Jim Keen told the council sales-tax revenue was actually up 1.2 percent from the last fiscal year (June 30), coming in at $2,360,500." Without the contribution from Lowe's, which opened in December 2007, town revenues would have been down about 10%. Carefree will also benefit from Lowe's on a comparison basis in the first half of the current fiscal year.