Water improvements are ‘amazing’
By Linda Bentley | August 6, 1008
September proclaimed Organ Donor Month in Cave Creek
CAVE CREEK – Barry Worman of Donor Network of Arizona did a brief presentation to the town about how people can register to become organ donors and said, “There are 99,000 people waiting for transplants and 19 die every day waiting. He asked people to consider giving the gift of life and said, “We do save lives every day.”
Cave Creek resident Jim Caldwell said, “I’m here to witness the proclamation designating September Cave Creek donor awareness month. I received a heart transplant 18 years ago in September.”
In February 2008, organ donor information was placed back on the Arizona Driver License.
Mayor Vincent Francia read the proclamation designating September Organ Donation Month in Cave Creek and said people could register online at www.azdonorregistry.org.
Judy Bruce, president of the Cave Creek Film and Arts Festival, reported what a “fabulous success” it was this year and said a new cooking category was being discussed for next year.
“We hit a chord with people who feel their lives are not complete without the arts.”
Jim Bruce, chair of the Fire Committee, presented a brief update on where the committee stood and said he did not think it would be possible to have their recommendations ready by September.
He said, “We were shocked to find out Rural/Metro is a subscription service,” which he said led to questioning how to get people to pay.
According to Bruce, when citizens found out about the town reviewing its fire protection options, apparently some people stopped paying their Rural/Metro subscriptions. Even if the town decided to change what it is currently doing for fire protection, Bruce said it could take a year or more to implement, reminding people they need to continue paying their Rural/Metro subscriptions.
Utilities Manager Jessica Marlow provided the town with an update of the water improvements and introduced their newest employee Dave Adams, whom she said had a vast wealth of historical and institutional knowledge.
Adams has he been in the water business for 30 years and worked for Cave Creek Water Company under J. George for ten years and then for Global Water when they took over.
Adams said he was very impressed with the improvements the town has made and said, “Everyone needs to be proud of what these people have done. These people in the utility department did a fabulous job.”
Marlow said since the Neary water tank was completed, the town had enough water for the first time for the town to have water and for Rural/Metro to put out a fire in an apartment building on Ootam Road, which used 400,000 gallons.
Larry Sahr explained the similarities and differences between the general plan and the water master plan. As far as similarities he said, “They’re both strategic plans. That’s about it.”
He explained the statutes and regulations over each.
Terry Zerkle spoke during public comment to say, “Master plans are policy documents,” and said people shouldn’t allow town staff to obfuscate what they are. He accused the town of making major changes and additions without going through council and said, “It’s time to let the sunshine in.”
John Ford complimented Marlow on her report and said he lives in one of the worst areas of town that had routine failures; citing things have improved dramatically since the town took over. He said it used to take J. George three weeks to get around to fixing things and then about a week with Global.
Photo caption: Utilities Manager Jessica Marlow introduced their newest employee, Dave Adams, a former Cave Creek Water Company and Global Water employee. Adams said, “A year ago, when we walked out, we knew it was going to be rough … Everyone needs to be proud of what these people have done.”
Photo by Linda Bentley