Your View | July 16 – 22, 2008
Typical Carefree politics; schedule an unpopular issue like the town center lighting when everyone is away for the summer. Some things never change.
I can see why Saban, the candidate for Sheriff, is being supported by the open border-pro illegal alien crowd. There's no doubt he will turn his head on arresting illegals and enforcing immigration like our current sheriff does. Now I read in the paper this morning that Saban possibly raped his adopted mother back in the 1970's. That's pretty sick! About as sick as the illegal aliens raping school girls in the Scottsdale School District. That's a coincidence you won't see compared in the pro-illegal alien rag publication we call The Arizona Republic.
Recently I was speaking to a Carefree councilman. He mentioned that the town will need a property tax within the next five years. I asked about the purpose the cash would be used for. He replied that it would be cheaper in the long run to buy land and build a town hall than pay office rent. The sad part is that I think he actually believes that!
Anyone who has read even superficially about the recently adopted state budget, and who would vote for a single incumbent, should be strung up at sunrise. This legislature and governor are dangerously irresponsible.
So, what’s up with Grace Meeth? Haven’t heard much since she thoroughly embarrassed herself in a recent council meeting by demonstrating she has not a clue on the public budgeting process despite her many years on the town council.
The Carefree town council is delusional if they believe adding electrical "gas" lights will boost visits by tourists. The area has almost nothing of consequence to attract tourists. The new lights will only add more clutter to an already overly cluttered area. The council always seems to find some new goofy project to try to justify their public usefulness.
If Carefree merchants are unhappy with the loss of business, wait until the Easy Street project opens and drains off what little business they have now.
Hey Don, why don't you have the God Bless America articles on the website? The current issue is great!
Ed. Note: The banner was missing on some browsers. Refresh should correct that. The text is there, however.
In regards to the gas lamp issue in Sonoran News for Carefree, it seems like although the gas lamps I would be in favor of, it seems like it replicates more something out of 19th Century England than the rustic desert as far as the style of the fixtures.
I was quite disappointed with Sonoran News’ recent article on Habitat for Humanity. But I’m not sure for which thing; the year-old, out of context quotes from the former president, the thinly veiled intentions when exposing our new neighbors by printing their records publicly – if that’s a requirement for purchasing a home in our community there are many more exciting ones than these – or for mentioning several times there are less expensive homes elsewhere, anywhere but here.
Way to go, Sheriff Joe! We were overdue for a sweep, but you came through. The number of illegals arrested out of the total number of arrests, 18 out of 19, speaks volumes.
The idea that a gas lamp district in Carefree will do something for the tourist traffic is laughable. San Diego it is not, nor shall it ever be. Cave Creek it shall never be. Scottsdale it shall never be. Some day Carefree will reinvent itself. If not it will die.
Linda Bentley’s article on the state referendum process was pretty dry, but then it is what it is. I hope Gary Birnbaum is able to craft an ordinance that will not require revisiting that process.
Deceleration lanes in Carefree? That’s ludicrous. The speed limit is presently 25 mph. Slow down to what? Most vehicles will not run at an idle rate with the air conditioning on, which is where you’re going to end up. Signs requiring all vehicles to turn off their air conditioners will be needed if cars are actually expected to decelerate. That’ll bring the tourists in … absolutely!
To the people who complain about seeing the illegals in all their glory on the front page of Sonoran News, if you don’t like what is happening in your town, do something about it – other than complain. If you don’t want to know what is happening in your town, your opinion doesn’t matter to those of us who do. It’s a local paper. This is local news and the fact illegals are here is not to everyone’s liking. Supposedly, the town council is going to let the town attorney have another go at an ordinance that will permanently resolve the issue.
Carefree folks run the Cave Creek Museum, funded by the Carefree town council. Directors include former Carefree Mayor Stevens and former Carefree resident Vice President Ellen Van Riper. Carefree resident Evelyn Johnson is Executive Director. If they are so keen on changing the small building's zoning from residential to commercial buffer, they should just get the Carefree council to rezone a small parcel in Carefree and move the building into their town.
In the July issue of "Carefree Cares," the town council's propaganda sheet response to Councilman Coady's hugely successful free monthly email letter "Carefree Matters," the feature article includes, "Although close in proximity, Carefree and its neighbor Cave Creek have vastly different histories." In Cave Creek voters actually have some influence over how the town is run, whereas in Carefree the town council is a closed club with a history of many appointed.