Mayor Gordon finally acknowledges recall threat
By Linda Bentley | July 9, 2008
'This fringe group has issued a frightening challenge to our community’
PHOENIX – Mayor Phil Gordon has finally faced the reality that he is being recalled, the petition drive to recall him is serious and, by the way things are going, it will be successful.
A Political Action Committee has been formed called “Friends for Phil Gordon,” which recently launched a website to try to save the Mayor.
Gordon, however, appears to be in complete denial as to why he is being recalled.
The website announces, “The Phoenix way of life is under attack,” and claims, “For years, our quality of life has been amongst the highest in the country – first in the nation for job growth with good schools and rich opportunities for outdoor play. We are also a city of free-thinking independents who chose a non-partisan form of government.
“Now all that is in jeopardy.”
Anna Gaines, chair of American Citizens United, along with Vice-Chairman Phillip Quihuis, spearheaded the recall drive on April 30, after first getting all their ducks in a row to ensure success.
They need to collect 23,751 valid signatures by Aug. 28 and are well on their way, extremely confident they will achieve their goal.
Originally from Mexico, Gaines immigrated legally and became an American citizen. She said she is fed up with politicians, such as Gordon, pandering to illegal aliens, the National Council of La Raza (the Race), a brown supremacist hate group, while ignoring the will of his citizens.
Under Gordon’s watch, Gaines has watched her quality of life in Phoenix deteriorate, as Gordon and the city’s Public Safety Manager Jack Harris embrace their “don’t ask, don’t tell” sanctuary policies that require Police to first ask permission before contacting ICE, resulting in Phoenix becoming a war zone of violent crime.
Phoenix is the human and drug-smuggling hub for the entire nation, complete with kidnappings, home invasions, and vehicle and identity theft.
Gaines struggles to see how Gordon believes that translates to a high quality of life.
“What kind of job growth has there been?” asks Gaines. “Minimum wage jobs citizens must compete for against illegal aliens? Maybe Mayor Gordon is talking about what used to be good jobs in construction until illegal aliens undercut those wages?”
The large property tax increases citizens are now saddled with came with Gordon’s promise of “no new taxes.”
“That was all a lie,” said Gaines, who reminded Sonoran News, “Courtesy of this ‘progressive’ city and its mayor, an extra charge is now being tacked on to our water bills to help defray jail costs for the longer mandatory minimum DUI sentences.”
Nonetheless, Friends for Phil Gordon chalk up the recall effort to “vigilante extremism,” accusing citizens who are dissatisfied with Gordon’s leadership and prefer the rule of law to the race-baiting chaos Gordon embraces as “diversity,” of being linked to neo-Nazis, White Supremacist organizations and hate groups, “looking to bring their brand of intolerance to our city.”
That’s a ploy borrowed from Gordon’s buddy, illegal-alien-embracing Alfredo Gutierrez, who was quoted in the Phoenix Gazette in 1992 as saying, “We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works.”
The website states, “If this effort to divide our home town succeeds, Phoenix will be forever plagued with narrow-minded agendas and our future – our shared future – will take a blow that can set us back by a decade.”
Calling citizens who are disgruntled with Gordon, “a fringe group” that has issued a “frightening challenge to our community,” it asks people to “Please take a moment right now to sign a letter of encouragement to Mayor Gordon.”
The letter says, “Thank you for taking a stand for the future of Phoenix. City government needs to keep focused on delivering the quality services that have made Phoenix one of the most livable cities in America. I am proud to support you and reject the kind of extremism that jeopardizes our city and our way of life.”
There’s also a letter from Gordon, addressed, “Dear Friend,” that states, “The people of Phoenix want a mayor and city council that will focus on addressing the challenges of education, jobs and public safety.”
Gordon says, “This fight is too important to watch from the sidelines,” which is when he asks for donations.
As a retired educator, Gaines clearly sees problems with education but asks, “Since when has education become part of the mayor’s job?”
If American Citizens United were just a fringe group of neo-Nazi, vigilante extremists, it’s highly doubtful there would be a lick of concern or that Friends for Phil Gordon would have been formed.
It also suggests Gordon has no intention of stepping down if the recall is successful. His only other option is to run again in a recall election.
Volunteers for American Citizens United will be collecting signatures at the Juniper Library, located at 1825 W. Union Hills Drive, every day this week at varying hours. By special appointment, volunteers will also come to those who wish to sign the recall petition. Visit for hours and more information.
Photo caption: Phoenix residents interested in recalling Mayor Phil Gordon can easily locate this recall booth outside the Juniper Library, located at 1825 W. Union Hills Drive, to sign the recall petition.
Courtesy Photo