Your View
Now we hear about all those gay couples getting married in California. Every one of them ought to read the Holy Bible, Genesis 18:20. It says, “Their sin is very great”!! This came from the Today’s English Version of The Good News Bible printed for the fellowship of Christian Athletes.
It looks as though Cave Creek needs a new Town Attorney. The current level of incompetence is netting us nothing but problems.
The newsprint used by the REPULSIVE REPUBLIC gets flimsier every week. I wonder what they use for toilet paper down there…
Thanks, Don, for filing the Referendum against the PM-10 Dust Ordinance. Recent local charges of non-compliance (I’d like to know who filed the complaints) indicate we are going to be dealing with the issue one way or another, however. Something needs to be done about the dust ordinance at the state level, perhaps the federal level. This is a government overreaction, undoubtedly pushed by overzealous environmentalists, to a problem that does not require a nationwide mandate.
If Obama is way too young to be in the White House then McCain is way too old. Right now with the way the Republican Party is corrupt, you could run Mickey Mouse and he would win the presidency. Obama will win and he will win big.
I see the illegal aliens are back on the streets, in the Circle Ks and parking lots in Cave Creek since Judge Silver shot down our Town Attorney’s attempt at an ordinance. It’s going to be a long summer dealing with the hassles on the streets caused by people making illegal pickups.
I thought it was interesting that the Law firm of Steptoe and Johnson are throwing a fund raising event for Tim Nelson, candidate for county attorney. Steptoe and Johnson are the attorney of record for Waterworld that was just raided for having illegals employed. Small world but not surprising. That’s just what we need, the pro-illegal lawyers raising money for a county attorney that will ignore the law.
The Gong Show sponsored by the Cave Creek Merchants Chamber of Commerce was an occasion not to be missed. I hope Harold’s Cave Creek Corral contributes a percentage of the profit from that night to the Chamber to help pay for the July 3rd and 4th fireworks.
Is there at least one patriot employee at the Carefree Bank of America who will replace the tattered and filthy U. S. flag flying in the parking lot?
Wow! After reading the Your View comments in last week’s edition of Sonoran News, I visited the web site. What a transformation! Same good information, but a whole new experience. When will we have access to the archives???
In his guest editorial rant against the power of the federal government, Daryl Hunter chose to use the national 21 drinking age as an example of "blackmail" against the states via potential loss of highway funds. He couldn't have selected a worse example to argue his point of view. The 21 drinking age has saved many lives, prevented untold numbers of injuries, and greatly reduced property losses.
The same Carefree town council that has inflicted enormous water bills on its residents also mails a first class postage monthly glossy propaganda sheet titled "Carefree Cares". Roughly calculating postage and printing, I figure it costs the town at least $20,000 annually. I get timelier, unbiased information emailed soon after every council meeting from Councilman Coady's "Carefree Matters" that probably costs almost nothing.
There are parents who need parenting classes. The daughters that made a pact to get pregnant come to mind. The parents of the children who performed during the Gong Show also come to mind. There were many unsupervised children that night. What makes people think they can take their children to an event, ignore them and expect the staff and patrons to deal it?
Cave Creek's 2007 Annual Water Quality Report includes a reference to a 2004 Arizona DEQ source water assessment. It states, "the (water company's) surface water intake (downstream of Lake Pleasant) had one adjacent land use that posed a high risk to the source." Exactly what is the "high risk"? Has nothing been done about it in the past four years?
Sonoran News has upgraded to a new fancy schmancy website. Oy vey! I miss the old fuddy duddy site already.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, no earthquake in recorded history has caused deaths or injuries in Arizona. Recently the wise men of the Board of Directors of the Carefree Water Company, aka the Carefree Council, approved a $24,000 upgrade to a new water storage tank to strengthen it enough to withstand an earthquake. Too bad they didn't plan ahead in building the tank and save the destitute water company some money.
Thank you to the Town of Carefree for leaving the speed limit on Cave Creek Road north of Carefree Highway at its current 45 mph.
It became obvious reading Linda Bentley’s article “Monday night’s many unique circumstances” that there are a lot of people, including Kim Brennan, who are not familiar with accounting. Marion Groeneveld has the patience of a saint.