Carefree holding open house on downtown lighting and signage
By Curtis Riggs | June 18, 2008
CAREFREE – Town Council will gather input about downtown lighting and signage at an open house on Thursday, June 26.
Carefree officials will present plans for downtown lighting improvement and signage to help visitors find the downtown Easy Street business area at the 5 p.m. meeting in the Carefree Town Council chambers at 100 Easy Street.
Carefree officials have long maintained better signage is needed into the Easy Street area because visitors cannot find it and end up spending the day in Cave Creek.
Carefree lighting consultant Don Happ did a study of the downtown area last year. Test light poles have been in place near the Town Center area since then.
Light spillage has been a concern often voiced by Carefree citizens who fear loss of the dark night skies if downtown is made too bright. Town officials, and some downtown business owners, maintain a proper balance between safety and preserving the night sky can be maintained.
“We are going to get going on several downtown items,” Mayor Wayne Fulcher said. Access issues and other community-wide traffic issues have been dealt with.
A traffic study recently submitted offered several alternatives to improve vehicle access into Easy Street. Improving pedestrian access was also an issue, which received a great deal of discussion.