Ignorance is not an excuse

Peter Koteas | Candidate for Carefree Town Council

Ms. Anna Marsolo’s “opinion” which appeared Saturday December 11, 2008 in the Opinions/My Turn section of the Arizona Republic Weekend edition is a living example of what can result when ignorance of the subject collides with the irresponsible and fraudulent distortion of the facts.

If one were to take the time to read the initiative, they would clearly see that no reference is made to change the manner in which the Town of Carefree will be managed. The verbiage of the initiative clearly states that the only change that will occur with a “yes” vote is amended language in Section 2-2-1 of the Town Code, whereby beginning with elections in 2011, the Mayor will be elected by qualified electors (the people) and not selected by members of the Town Common Council.

It is important that the citizens of Carefree clearly understand that there is no link whatsoever between the direct election of Mayor and a Town Manager style of government. Furthermore, there is no Arizona statute which prohibits a Council/Mayor form of government, which the Town of Carefree has and will continue to have, to remain intact when the Mayor is directly chosen by qualified electors. Simply stated, “Carefree citizens deserve the opportunity to elect the individual they would like to be the face of their Town.”

Anyone that dispenses information to the contrary is simply not telling the truth or relying on fear to motivate a no vote. The sole noticeable change in passing this initiative is that the official representative of the Town will be decided by qualified electors and not by the members of the Common Council. This initiative also does not add one cent to the cost of government.

And that’s the truth.

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Military spouses

Cyndy Breitbach | Cave Creek

During this “Holiday” time, please pause a moment to remember and pray for those who will be waking up Christmas morning alone. Yes, alone. Our families are far away; our children have families of their own; and our spouses are serving our country in Iraq. We are the military spouses that have reached middle age.

Yes, I am a military spouse that has reached middle age. I am thankful that I have a home to wake up in, yet it will be an empty home. There will be no sounds of laughter or paper tearing; no hugs to feel or smile to see; no food to prepare; no one to say “Merry Christmas” to; and no pictures to take. Just a few gifts received from afar to open, alone and hopefully a phone call from my husband. There will be no gift from my husband this year, it’s hard to shop in Iraq. This will be the first year in my entire life that I will awake to an empty home.

So, as you and yours celebrate Christmas together this year, be thankful for each other, for the mere fact that you are able to be together is a gift in itself. Say an extra prayer that we, the military spouses, will be able celebrate Christmas with our loved ones next year.

Remember to give thanks for our soldiers; their spouses; and their families, for our sacrifices are great.

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In defense of the indefensible

Tom Kolesar | Scottsdale, AZ

Barry or Barack? I have always enjoyed your paper’s approach to formatting.
Like where you put the comic section on both page one and the editorial section, compared to others who foolishly place it in the back........ Very creative I must say.

Your use of the banner of journalism as a defense for the service your performing as the local version of the WORLD NET DAILY. may have, this time, crossed the line. It must take a decicated one track puppy and a special tenacious level of root hate, that would make one find comfort and believability in this unbelievable premise. Then to claim some sort of superiority in “fighting for the truth” ala Joseph McCarty fashion ....Now that is real chutzpah!

I do find it frustrating and bemusing the way you use your snarky quasi Walter Witchell/Matt Drudge reporting style and I love the hat, it is perfect in your act.

For me, I wish you well in your unrelentingly bias and pursuit of the implausible.
I know it takes time. It took me nearly five years to get over Bush/Cheney stealing the 2000 election.

Wishing even my illogical neighbors, the finest of Holiday’s.

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Where will it stop?

Senate Republican Whip | Jon Kyl

With regard to the White House announcement it would loan two of the nation’s three largest automakers over $13 billion of taxpayer money to keep the companies solvent until January:

I am very disappointed. The Senate rightly rejected providing funds under the same conditions set by the President because the terms were deemed insufficient. The White House‚s action is also directly contrary to Congressional intent regarding use of the financial stabilization funds and sets the precedent for the new administration to use the next tranche of funds for any applicant with political clout.

The President justified his action with a false choice: it’s either this plan or abrupt liquidation of the companies. The White House seems to think that the industry didn’t have time to deal with the problem or prepare for an orderly bankruptcy, which is false. And the President argued that customers would not purchase from companies undergoing reorganization under Chapter 11, despite assurances that Members of Congress would support federal backing of car company warranties. The majority of leading economists believe reorganizing under Chapter 11 is the best option for these companies to become more competitive.

This bailout not only sets a bad precedent and thwarts the will of Congress; it also is unlikely to force the changes needed for the companies to be competitive and sets the stage for additional taxpayer support in the future. Where will it stop?

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Conservatism is not dead

Charlie Jones | Minneapolis, MN | Carefree, AZ

I agree that McCain should cross the aisle one more time and stay there. I don’t think it furthers the conservative movement to refer to Obama using his middle name or questioning his birthplace. The game was played and our guy sucked wind. He chose to lose by disregarding good advice and for that I will always dislike McCain.

Let’s hope that conservatism is not dead in this country. I think we are better served by sharing our views respectfully.

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“My View”

Gary Kiernan | Cave Creek

As is my wont, I eagerly read Don’s “My View” (Welcome Back!) and was intrigued by the letter from the Carefree resident who could not care less whether Barry was eligible or not to be President, lest it cause a kerfuffle. The letter writer stated “I will not be advertising in the paper” -fair enough, it is your prerogative, then stated “or buying it again.” Where on earth do you buy a free newspaper? I have a bridge that may interest you.

Also, in the “Your View” section, another anonymous contributor posited “that the citizenship issue “is a bogus issue” and “doesn’t belong in a rag as bad as yours.” Where else would you print a bogus issue but in a rag? The mind boggles.

Regards, with tongue firmly in cheek,

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Gary Kiernan | A dusty acre in Cave Creek

I am writing to thank Linda Bentley for yet another excellent, and well-researched, article. I am, of course, referring to the piece pertaining to CSHS and the student/teacher, admin/student ratios. As the article points out, the student/teacher ratio has remained remarkably constant at a very tolerable 19 to 1. However, the administrator/student ratio has increased 950% in the last 7 years. They now have one administrator per 12 students.

Absolute insanity! Next time these folks come looking for more money, or a budget override, may I suggest you merely re-print the relevant data panel. It says it all.

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A victimless crime?

Jack C. McVickers | Scottsdale, AZ

Any one who believes that illegal immigration is a victimless crime should read the 12/16/2008 AP story by Jonathan M. Katz titled “4-year old inspires aid for Haiti.” There are literally millions of kids like Venecia Louis in the world who, like their parents, are starving, facing persecution, mutilation and death. Fifteen million are seeking refuge in the US or other affluent countries. While they wait in the legal line the jobs, housing and food that should be made available for them are being diverted to illegal immigrants.

This injustice is the result of the trashing of the rule of law on which our nation was founded. While the pandering politicians, exploitive employers and misguided religious leaders support the illegal immigrants no one speaks for the real victims like Venecia Louis and her parents. God save us!

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Let’s call a spade a spade

Jack C. McVickers | Scottsdale, AZ

What is wrong with this picture? While the US has assumed the task of teaching emerging democracies how to establish a constitutional republic the US Constitution is being trampled.

Washington is running amuck. It is like the Tenth Amendment does not exist.

Washington is spending trillions of dollars subsidizing favored businesses in the private sector while businesses and their employees that are not so favored go down the chute. What happened to equal treatment under the law? And what is worse Washington will not even tell us the names of the favored few or the amount and terms of these bail-outs.

And through it all our elected representatives, the media and the courts have remained silent. It is as if no one cares about the Constitution. At least Washington should have the decency to call a spade a spade and declare marshal law.

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Where was Senator Shelby?

Paul G. Jaehnert | Vadnais Hts., MN

Alabama Senator Richard Shelby has expressed his outrage at the proposed bailout for U. S. automakers. Could it be because of his anti-union animus towards labor unions in general, and the United Auto Workers in particular? It is apparent that Senator Shelby is interested only in protecting the interests of the union-free foreign auto manufacturers in his state.

The $14 billion bailout package proposed for the Big Three U.S. auto manufacturers pales in comparison to the open-ended $700 billion bailout package given to mortgage lenders. At least there are payback provisions attached to any bailout for the automakers. Given the alternatives, the automaker bailout seems to be the best bang for the buck.

It’s also obvious that Senator Shelby’s record of working against the interests of union members demonstrates his obvious contempt for collective bargaining, rationalizing that union workers make too much money. Really? I wonder if Senator Shelby also believes that corporate executives are making too much money.

Where was Senator Shelby’s expressions of outrage when corporate CEO’s were (are) raking in millions upon millions of dollars in annual wages, stock options and bonuses? Where was his outrage at the Lions of Commerce and Industry when they got paid this outrageous compensation while at the same time leading their corporations into an economic abyss?

Where was Senator Shelby when the mortgage-lending shell game was being played out?

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Auto bail-out

Jack C. McVickers | Scottsdale, AZ

This morning Washington lent the auto makers 17.4 billion dollars.  No one batted an eye.
But what if the president had actually handed over this much money in one dollar bills? Visualize 9,765 fork-lift trucks rolling onto the stage. Each one would carry a stack of dollar bills 4 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft high. The stage would have to be as big as nine football fields to accommodate that many fork-lift trucks.  Perhaps that would have raised some eye brows.

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The yin and yang of politics

C.O. Jones | Desert Foothills

Every coin has two sides; every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is why the incident where Iraqi journalist Munthadar al-Zeidi threw two shoes at President Bush had mixed results:

1. A potentially-lethal attack occurred (bad).
2. The President, allegedly having practiced dodging combat duty while in the ANG, was nimble enough to also dodge the two shoes (good).
3. The Secret Service protective detail failed to take down the attacker after the first shoe was thrown (bad).
4. Munthadar al-Zeidi, the attacker, has a wicked curveball, and has received a $6 million offer from the Diamondbacks’ bullpen management (good). 

Sic transit gloria sicarii....
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Ponzi scheme

Edward Konecnik | Flushing, NY

Bernard Madoff has admitted perpetrating a Ponzi scheme and defrauding countless investors and retirees. Wikipedia defines a Ponzi scheme as a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying returns to investors out of money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from the profit from any real business. In fact, it is the same scheme politicians have used to deceive and exploit the American people for over 70 years.

However, instead of being indicted for fraud, they have been re-elected repeatedly and even praised for their “compassion.”

The government calls its program ‘Social Security’ hoping we won’t notice it is a Ponzi scheme. The government produces nothing so whatever it promises, it must take from someone else. This has spawned the myth of ‘entitlement’ and the delusion that we can all live at the expense of everybody else. Consider the facts: in 1950, 16 workers provided benefits for each retiree. In 1996, the ratio was 3.3 to 1 and the projection for 2030 is less than 2 to 1; and there is no fund for savings and investments. If Social Security taxes and payments were not compulsory, who in their right mind would participate? At least Mr. Madoff’s clients were free to opt out.

When will the American people wake up and realize they have been duped and compelled to participate in a Ponzi scheme far greater in scope than even Bernard Madoff ever envisioned? And does anybody know who is going to bail us out?
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