6th Annual Stagecoach Village Luminaria Run Dec. 6
November 26, 2008
New run route, more volunteers needed
CAVE CREEK – The 6th annual Stagecoach Village Luminaria Run will be held Saturday, Dec. 6 from 4:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. to coincide, as always, with the Desert Foothills Christmas Pageant. As the new sponsor, StageCoach Village invites you to join the community celebration benefiting Black Mountain Elementary School.
Stagecoach Village will provide a new staging and parking area for the race. Businesses at Stagecoach Village will be providing a DJ and inviting area vendors to participate in the event.
New luminaria run route
The new staging area means the run will have a new route this year. The route travels east on Cave Creek Road to Scopa Trail; north on Scopa Trail to Steven’s Drive. Southeast on Rising Sun to Tranquil Trail; south on Tranquil Trail to Carefree Drive; a little loop around Rocking Road and back down Carefree Drive to Cave Creek Road west to Stagecoach Village.
Many more volunteers needed
The run’s luminaria crews support the Desert Foothills Christmas Pageant with luminaria. This year the run is committed to doing the same, though the new course will be in a different location from the route to the pageant so additional crews will be necessary. Every year over 140 volunteers have worked to place and light luminaria, register runners, work water stops, monitor the course and setup/teardown the event.
To volunteer, register or find sponsorship information visit www.luminariarun.com or call 602-769-0848.
Photo: The uniqueness of the evening race lit by luminaria, the beauty of Cave Creek and the home-town feel provided by the run’s longtime sponsors is something runners love – leading it to be chosen as a Runner’s World Magazine “best pick” in 2005.
Courtesy Photo
Bookfair winners announced
With his parents, Charles and Meimei Liu, Jeffrey Liu (center) displays his Writing Contest Award at Saturday's DFCE / FCF Bookfair at Barnes & Noble Desert Ridge. Desert Foothills Community Education Kid's Club students, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, from Black Mountain, Desert Sun, Desert Willow, Horseshoe Trails, and Lone Mountain Elementary schools shared their original, creative winning drawings and essays on stage in the children's area of Barnes & Noble Desert Ridge. Awards and prizes were presented to each of the winning participants who were recognized for their reading comprehension and writing skills. (For students too young to write, the awards are based upon their interpretive drawings.)
The winners of the 2008 Barnes & Noble Bookfair