A Statement from Mayor Mary Manross regarding the Nov. 4 election

November 19, 2008

Although the ballots are still being counted today and there is ½ of 1% separating Jim Lane and me, Jim Lane will be the next Mayor.  I wish him the very best and also wish the new council success in leading our community.  Scottsdale is an extraordinary city and we must remain committed to keeping it that way.

I am very humbled by the outpouring of support from so many residents, community and business leaders, and organizations who backed me in this race and in previous campaigns.  Your faith in me and support of my vision,  your many contributions, and your hard work were gratifying and are truly appreciated.  Together, we ran an honorable campaign and never wavered from our positive message about Scottsdale.

It has been an amazing 16 ½ years as both a Council member and Mayor!   It has been a true  priviledge to work with thousands of dedicated residents, the best city employees in the nation, and many wonderful businesses as we have worked to build the city we love.  In the spirit of President Kennedy, who challenged us to dream of things that never were, my goal has always been to make a positive and lasting impact on Scottsdale.  Together, I believe we have succeeded.

We are preserving 1/3 of our city as natural open space, brought a renaissance and revitalization to our community, lowered the crime rate and the property tax rate, delivered world class services and built libraries, parks and senior centers that are second to none.  We are considered a leader in green building and sustainability and our reputation as a leading destination for the arts, golf and tourism has never been stronger. Our financial reserves are at an all time high and our bond ratings are AAA.   Thank you to you all for making it happen.  I cannot adequately express how blessed my family and I feel because of the opportunity you afforded me to lead our city for so many years.

One of the guiding principles of Scottsdale’s founding fathers was that city elections were to be non partisan.  It served us well for over 50 years.  However, members of the state legislature moved Scottsdale’s elections to the September/November time frame for partisan purposes.  For the first time in city history it resulted in daily partisan attack ads (many from 3rd party  independent expenditure committees) in an officially non partisan city election.  Attention and focus were diverted from the true policy issues affecting our city’s future.  In the interest of good government and a sustainable future, the new council should work hard to get the elections placed back on the March/May cycle so policy, not partisan politics, can again be the primary focus.

I look forward to the future and believe that “the best is yet to come.”

Most sincerely,