Vol. 14 Issue No. 42 | October 15 - 21, 2008


Money first, students maybe

By Linda Bentley | October 15, 2008

It takes a village to double-dip the whole child
CCUSD – While public schools are just another division of government, there are catchy slogans to make citizens feel better about the redistribution of their earnings.

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Obama and DNC stonewall on citizenship issue

By Linda Bentley | October 15, 2008

ObamaProtective order sought to preclude discovery

PHILADELPHIA, Penn. – On Aug. 21, in an effort to prevent what might otherwise amount to the biggest fraud pulled off on the citizens of the United States, Attorney Philip Berg filed a complaint in U.S. District Court against Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and the Democratic National Committee over Obama’s eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States.

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Expectmore.gov reveals federal incompetence

By Linda Bentley | October 15, 2008

‘The government is on an unsustainable fiscal path’
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Information found on Expectmore.gov is developed by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which, in conjunction with federal agencies, assesses the performance of every federal program.

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Jim LaneLane confident he can beat Manross again on Nov. 4

By Curtis Riggs | October 15, 2008

Battling over preserve, economy
SCOTTSDALE – City Councilman Jim Lane received more votes for mayor from Scottsdale voters than Mayor Mary Manross in the Sept. 2 primary election.


Museum board to proceed with G.P. amendment

By Curtis Riggs | October 15, 2008

Unlike other zoning cases
CAVE CREEK – The Board of Directors of the Cave Creek Museum voted Monday to proceed with its General Plan amendment, which could lead to an up-zoning of its Basin Road property.