Cave Creek Museum votes to proceed with G.P. amendment
By Curtis Riggs | October 8, 2008
Unlike other zoning cases
CAVE CREEK – The Board of Directors of the Cave Creek Museum voted Monday to proceed with its General Plan amendment, which could lead to an up-zoning of its Basin Road property.
At issue for the museum, which filed the only minor General Plan amendment because its property is smaller than one acre, is trying to make matters legal on its property, which presently has a legal non-conforming use designation.
The request from museum officials would likely be to up-zone its land to Commercial Buffer if the Cave Creek Town Council approves its General Plan amendment on Nov. 17. First up for the museum will be a hearing by the Cave Creek Planning and Zoning Commission on Oct 16. Its requested amendment and three others (T.C. Thorstenson, David Lewis and the southwest corner of Cave Creek and Carefree Highway) will be heard by Town officials.
The museum board voted to proceed with the General Plan amendment by a vote of 6 to 3. Four board members were absent from the meeting.
Earlier during the meeting the board voted to suspend efforts to move to the Phoenix Mine site, which sits at the entrance to the Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area.
“It seems to be totally off the radar,” board president Barbara Chatzkel said about the possibility of moving so far from the town business core. “The chatter exists that people don’t want the museum to move all the way out there.”
Board member Fred Mueller added, “It also adds credence to the desire to stay here.”
Mueller commented about the vote to pursue the amendment, “We are not like the other cases.”