Why did Town Hall propose an unnecessary property tax? We know why. The bureaucrats answer for inefficiency and over spending is to RAISE TAXES. Carefree’s mayor authorizes paying our town administrator in excess of $200,000 per year. Putting this into perspective. This is more than 42 State Governor salaries, and even more than the $174,000 salary US Senators are paid.
The AZ Governor salary is $95,000. Does the mayor believe that being the administrator for a town of 3600 residents on 8.5 square miles with no schools needs to be more than Governor and State Senator salaries? This red flag is just the tip. The budget for salaries has exploded to $2.1 million.
The budget for operating expenses is for another letter. For his salary, our non-resident administrator vigorously supported a property tax, a Hampton Inn that insults Carefree’s image every day, and a $35 million plus water project expense that benefits less than 25% of our residences. The comps that TH uses to pay the consultants to echo what they want to hear are not valid or relevant for Carefree. Mr. mayor and council evaluate the following.
Can we reduce the number of employees needed to efficiently govern 3600 residents? Do all the employees have to be full-time? Does Carefree have a pool of qualified residents that would welcome the opportunity to fill positions for less pay and more interest in Carefree? Instead of modeling other town bureaucracy’s, Carefree can be a shining example of bringing common sense, efficiency, and innovation to government.
To avoid the excuse for another property tax vote and help KEEP CAREFREE CAREFREE.ORG until it is up go to [email protected]
George Nelson